Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 317: Get the man back, let's talk about something else

  Chapter 317 I got the man back, let’s talk about other things

   Mrs. Shen was frightened by her own thoughts!

   "Tell me about you, this, this—how could it be like this! How could it be like this! What a formality!" Old Shen Furen was furious.

   Shen Liangyue was extremely aggrieved, wiped her tears and said, "What is grandmother saying? No, woo, it's not what we want"

  Old Mrs. Shen was choked for life, and she was so angry that she hurriedly asked Mrs. Chang to send someone to find her sons and daughters-in-law.

   Anyway, we have to discuss and find the missing person quickly.

  The man was found, let’s talk about other things!

  Otherwise, if something happened to Shen Liangrong outside, the reputation of the Shen family would be over.

   Several of the men were not at home, so Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Shen came soon after, and Mrs. Shen was in the Imperial Hospital. Chun Ying handed over the words that Haitang would send someone to look for, and she was coming back soon after thinking about it.

   When the ladies did not come, Shen Liangwei said that she felt dirty and uncomfortable when she fell under the rocky slope, and said she would go back to wash and change clothes. Shen Liangyue also said the same.

   Mrs. Shen had to let the two go back to wash up and come back later.

   Mrs. Shen and Third Mrs. Shen were a little puzzled when they saw their mother-in-law who was clearly in a bad mood when they came to Fu'an Hospital.

   Greetings, the mother-in-law said again when everyone was together, so the two looked at each other, feeling a little bad for no reason in their hearts.

  Shen Liangyue is a favorite to watch the fun.

   Anyway, she herself has come back and is safe. Shen Liangrong loves it. She wished she was unlucky, so she quickly finished her grooming and dressing, and she came over again.

  Shen Liangwei is not in a hurry. After cleaning up, wait for the parents to come back and go there together

  Shen Liangyue couldn't wait, she couldn't help wanting to whisper something to her mother, but Mrs. Shen couldn't stop her, so she couldn't help staring at her angrily.

   Mrs. Shen and Third Mrs. Shen listened to the beginning. All of them were in a coma and out of the city. They were all shocked and asked in detail.

   Old Mrs. Shen couldn't stop her anymore, so she could only sigh: "You all calm down. When the boss, the second and the third come back, let's discuss the countermeasures carefully."

   But as soon as she found out that only Shen Liangrong was missing, Mrs. Shen was so shocked that she fell into an ice cellar, her hands and feet were instantly cold, how could she wait? Crying and screaming.

   Shen Liangyue happened to be right in front of her, so she angered and scolded her for having no conscience, being cold-blooded and ruthless. She didn't find Shen Liangrong, so why did she come back first? Did they plan to harm Shen Liangrong?

  Shen Liangyue couldn't stand this grievance, so she cried out in anger. The third lady Shen was not happy, and she quarreled with the second lady Shen.

   Old Madam Shen was almost out of breath when she saw this scene of chicken flying and dogs jumping, and she tried to stop it by yelling and scolding.

   However, in the face of Madam Shen Er who was insane and mad, it was not very useful.

   When Shen Liangwei came with her parents, it was like this.

  The three people in the big room just arrived, and the second master Shen and the third master also came.

   The messy situation was finally reprimanded by the old lady Shen who threw the tea bowl in a rage, and said today's events coldly.

   When the second lady Shen saw the big room, how could she still care about the third lady Shen and Shen Liangyue?

   Angrily glared at Shen Liangwei: "You must have hurt Rong'er, it must be you!"

   Mrs. Shen was unhappy and said with a sneer: "Second brother and sister, who are red-mouthed and white-toothed, don't want to talk about things and just want to talk about it, right? If so, you can do it first, and we'll talk about it when you're done talking."

   (end of this chapter)

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