Chapter 327 Tragedy

   Shen Hongxun didn't know that Shen Hongqi didn't trip over a stone under his feet and fell, but that Xiao Jingyu's people followed him secretly after he took Shen Liangwei's hairpin from the place where he was driving.

  Because he was curious and wanted to see what he wanted to do, he never showed up.

  How did you know he was so cruel? As soon as he came up, he rushed to Shen Hongxun, leaving no room for relaxation at all.

   Those two people shouldn't show up too suddenly, after all, they are people from the War Palace, and this unreasonable insertion into the fight between the two cousins ​​is too unreasonable.

   So he secretly hit a pebble. Who would have guessed that Shen Hongqi would be tragic.

   Seeing that the trouble was resolved, the two guards left quietly.

   As for whether Shen Hongqi is dead or alive, they don't care.

   This man acted so viciously, he was a scum when he lived, and he deserved it when he died

  Shen Hongxun stood there for a while, then turned around and went down the mountain.

   He wrote an anonymous letter with his left hand, covered his face with a hat, and gave a small child a handful of copper coins, asking him to deliver the letter to the Shuntian yamen.

   The yamen of Shuntian Prefecture saw that the letter said that something had happened to the son of the Shen family, the censor of Zuodu, so he hurriedly ordered a few people to search down the mountain.

   Sure enough, the unconscious Shen Hongqi was found.

   I was still angry when I touched it, so I hurriedly sent it back to the Shen family.

   As for Shen Hongxun, he still went back to the Hanlin Academy and asked for the letter from Shen Shan to burn it. When it was next time, he slowly returned home as usual.

   He could feel it and see it very clearly. Shen Hongqi came to kill him at that time, so he didn't care whether Shen Hongqi was dead or alive.

  If he was just traumatized, he would naturally slap him hard.

  I didn't expect that God had eyes, Shen Hongqi was unconscious, and looking at this posture, he woke up later and couldn't wake up and said a few words.

  In this case, Shen Hongxun didn't plan to tell what happened today.

  The next day, Mrs. Shen went to see Shen Hongqi once, gave him a needle, and found that his pulse became stronger, and gave him another needle, and found that his complexion was much better.

   asked someone to dissolve a pill for replenishing qi and blood with warm water and poured it into him.

   Today, Shen Hongxun accompanied Mrs. Shen to see the doctor. One was to see Shen Hongqi's condition, and the other was to worry that the people in the second room would go crazy and hurt his mother.

   Mrs. Shen diagnosed and treated Shen Hongqi, but Shen Hongxun did not stop him. The mother has always been like this, since she has taken over, she will be responsible to the end. He didn't want to tell her that Shen Hongqi wanted to hurt him but ended up hurting himself and letting his mother break the principle.

   In his opinion, it was too cheap for Shen Hongqi to die so peacefully.

  Shen Hongqi still has the ability to swallow, and he almost poured down a bowl of warm water.

   Shen Hong asked a few words, but Mrs. Shen didn't dare to say it to death, but Shen Hongxun also understood from her words that Shen Hongqi should be able to wake up in a few days.

  Shen Hongxun's eyes narrowed, very good, he waited

   He can let Shen Hong inspire a madness and completely destroy his mind and break his road to the imperial examination, and naturally he can also destroy him again.

Hearing that her son might wake up, the second Mrs. Shen, who cried so haggard, finally regained her spirits, and did not dare to pose in front of Mrs. Shen. ask.

   Mrs. Shen ignored her and left after she was done. As for thanks - ah, this one is not uncommon for her to thank her!

   (end of this chapter)

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