Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 335: There is news from Miss Shen's family

   Chapter 335 There is news from the eldest lady of the Shen family

   That person from the Rong family, who knows what she thinks in her heart? How dare she easily believe her?

   What if? What if she becomes ill?

   makes her not human now

   "I will go."

   Mrs. Shen cares for her banknotes. In the past few years, she has plundered a lot of money from her own pockets, but she also spent a lot of money for her son, daughter, and husband. Where is there left?

   Now Gongzhong's account is not something she can move at all, so she can only pay for it.

   After doing an inventory, the total cash silver was only over 760 taels, which was not enough for 1,000 taels.

   Mrs. Shen was so angry, she simply put a few pieces of jewelry in a box and brought three hundred taels of silver notes.

  I don't have a silver note, so just use these golden hairpins.

Mrs. Shen looked at her jewelry with disgust, frowned and said reluctantly, "Forget it, for the family's sake, let it be worth it, it may not be a good price if you sell it to the pawnshop! Just kowtow, kowtow. , I'll go."

   Mrs. Shen thought that Mrs. Shen might not be embarrassed to accept her jewelry, but when she saw that she accepted it unceremoniously, she felt aggrieved.

  I don't want to, she even asked her to kowtow!

   Mrs. Shen didn't give in half a step, and rolled without kowtow.

   Mrs. Shen secretly hated, and said in her heart, can you bear it? If you are not afraid of losing your life, it is up to you.

   In the end, his knees softened, and he knelt down and kowtowed to Mrs. Shen to apologize.

   Mrs. Shen didn't save her face at all. Seeing her stubbornly kowtow three times, she sneered: "Second brother and sister, if you knew today, why did you have to be in the first place?"

   choked Mrs. Shen so much that she could barely stand up.

   Mrs. Shen gave Shen Hongqi acupuncture as usual, prescribed a prescription and ordered someone to feed him with torment. The daily diet should be light. After the trauma on his leg healed, she would ask someone to help him go out and take care of him every day.

   As for when he will recover, she doesn't know.

  Although Mrs. Shen was full of dissatisfaction, how could she dare to say nonsense?

   had to endure it with self-confidence.

   Mr. Shen Er really gave up hope for this son, so he found a second way decisively and quickly. That night, a beautiful maid slept, opened her face and raised her as a aunt.

   And the next day, Mrs. Shen asked Old Lady Shen to buy him another good one from outside. He was still young and able to give birth.

   If a concubine has a son, then a concubine should have a son. It is better than no son.

   Mrs. Shen had another thunderbolt, crying to the death, crying and begging Old Mrs. Shen to call the shots.

  Master accepts the new aunt at this time, doesn't this make her shameless? It's too much, my lord.

   Old Shen Furen, of course, turned to her son, but instead reprimanded her for being unvirtuous.

   It's just taking two concubines, what's the trouble? So unkind, no wonder they didn't teach Qi'er and Rong girl well!

   Mrs. Shen was ill at once.

   did not stop Master Shen Er's decision.

   After another day, someone came from outside the Shen residence to report that there was news from the eldest lady of the Shen family!

  Old Madam Shen heard that and ordered someone to bring the messenger over.

The news of    spread quickly, and everyone was surprised and went to the Fuanyuan.

   Mrs. Shen was even more concerned about lying in bed to recuperate, and hurried over dragging her sick body.

  Shen Liangwei can't be without Shen Liangwei.

   Shen Liangwei thought of Xiao Jingyu subconsciously in her heart, and she couldn't help but be a little curious. She didn't know what Xiao Jingyu did and what method did she plan to send Shen Liangrong back?

  No matter what, according to the temperament of Xiao Jingyu that she now understands, it must be a big drama.

   (end of this chapter)

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