Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 346: This son, he is getting more and more disappointed

   Chapter 346 This son, he is getting more and more disappointed

  Emperor Tianyao had to round his face for this unworthy son, and tried to turn private salt into official salt. Said that he had already had this intention, and had already greeted the Shen family, and did not want Shen Liangrong to be accidentally murdered by her family's traitor.

  So, her meeting with King Yong in the bamboo forest was nothing. After all, the names of the two have already been decided, but they have gone through so many things, and they just met and said a few words.

   As a result, the coachman was pulled out to take the blame again, and the Shen family still secretly sent someone to find the coachman and convict him.

  Emperor Tianyao valued the Shen family and wanted to save face for the Shen family. Besides, his son couldn't be ruined by this kind of thing again and again, the royal family also wanted to save face.

   And he, this old man, how can those old officials make fun of them behind their backs!

   Therefore, he had to pinch his nose to round up the field for him.

   That Shen Liangrong is not good, but if his son did such a thing by himself, he should suffer by himself. His backyard was just like that.

   Princess Yong has been making a fuss all day, do you really think he doesn't know?

   For this son, he is getting more and more disappointed, let him toss

  With the words of Emperor Tianyao, although everyone still laughed at His Royal Highness King Yong for picking up a broken shoe, at least there was a fig leaf on his face.

  The Shen family, Shen Liangrong immediately trembled after receiving the order.

   Mr. Shen Er and Mrs. Shen Er also felt that they were very proud of themselves.

   Even the old lady Shen became as pleasant as before to Shen Liangrong, as if she had never looked at her with cold and disgusting eyes, and had never said those cruel words to her like a knife.

Mrs. Shen couldn't help but complain to Shen Liangwei: "Your big sister is really capable of tossing, but no one has eyes to see in such things, no matter how beautiful the surface is, it's just an illusion. She passed the door like this, That's what's so frustrating!"

   Inside and out, Mrs. Shen's intentions are obvious: she is trying to solve Shen Liangwei, for fear that Shen Liangwei will get into the horns. After all, Shen Liangwei used to have a good impression of King Yong, but now that her cousin married him, she was afraid that Shen Liangwei would not feel well.

Shen Liangwei quickly understood her mother's words, and responded with a witty smile, agreeing with her mother's meaning, and added: "The lady in the lobby has always been smart, but I didn't expect that this time she was really confused. Even if she was married away from Beijing, would the Shen family really ignore her? At least you don't have to worry about food and clothing expenses. What's wrong with marrying an ordinary family with a simple population and a trustworthy character? It will be miserable to live under the hands of the Qingrou County Master in the future."

   I don't know if it was Da Furen Shen's illusion, she seemed to feel that her daughter seemed to be gloating when she said the last two sentences.

   But this is not the point, the point is that your daughter is a sensible person! Not as confused as Shen Liangrong.

   Now she is relieved!

Mrs. Shen smiled and said, "My family Weier is young, but she understands what she thinks. It's just that you are still young, where did you come from so many words? Your marriage, just don't worry, if your parents are here, you will definitely not. wronged you."

   Shen Liangwei was slightly startled, she seemed to have really said more, and then she shyly called out "Mother!" and threw herself into Mrs. Shen's arms.

  Are you married? Her eyes dimmed, but she unconsciously thought of Xiao Jingyu

   She suddenly felt that she didn't want to get married, and she never wanted to get married in this life.

  No one is better than Xiao Jingyu

   (end of this chapter)

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