Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 348: It used to be natural

   Chapter 348 Naturally, it used to be pretentious

  Xiamu couldn't help but spit: "The villain is successful, the dog is against the power of the person, it's disgusting, what a big deal"

  Chun Ying's mind is more delicate, seeing this, she couldn't help saying: "Miss is in the limelight now, I'm afraid she won't let it go."

  Xiamu couldn't help but said: "I used to be a gentle, quiet and kind lady and talented girl. I didn't expect - hum."

  Xia Hezuikuai: "It used to be natural to pretend!"

  Shen Liangwei smiled and glanced at the three of them: "Don't worry about her. She's her concubine of King Yong. Let's pass us by, but I never thought about touching her light. Why should you be angry with her?"

  The three of Chunying laughed, "Second Miss is right, but that's not the case!"

   A side concubine of King Yong who is not very glorious, is she very arrogant?

  Shen Liangwei laughed a little playfully. She was looking forward to what kind of scene Shen Liangrong would have with the Princess Qingrou after she passed the door.

   Besides, Shen Liangrong was waiting for Shen Liangwei to come to see her, so she made fun of her, but she didn't want to, Ting Zhi came back angrily, and sued her.

   Shen Liangrong's face instantly turned blue.

  What kind of good daughters can people like Mrs. Shen Er and Master Shen teach? Shen Liangrong used to think she had a bright future, and she was willing to pretend to be a famous lady. Now that she has acquired this land, she has already been cleaned up and her dignity has disappeared. What kind of reputation does she want as a lady and virtuous?

   "Oh! My second younger sister is quite temperamental," Shen Liangrong got up. "Since she doesn't have time to come over, that's fine. I won't embarrass her or have the same knowledge as her. Let's go, let's go find her."

As soon as Shen Liangrong arrived at the entrance of Lingxiao Courtyard, Chun Ying, who was waiting there, greeted her: "Miss, you are here, Miss Er guessed that you would come, so she specially asked the servants to wait for you here. Miss Er is in the room, you please."

  Shen Liangrong: "."

  Although, although it sounds like I can't find out what's wrong with these words, but it just makes people feel a little embarrassed when they hear it, what should I do? ?

   "Humph!" Shen Liangrong didn't give Chun Ying a good look and passed her.

   "Second sister is such a big girl. It's not easy to talk to the second sister." Shen Liangrong sneered after entering the room.

  Shen Liangwei said with a smile: "The gate of Lingxiao Courtyard is always open there. Big sister comes if she wants to. She won't stop her, so what's the big deal?"

"But I can't invite the second sister," Shen Liangrong smiled: "I think I won't have much time to marry and go to Prince Yong's mansion, and it will be difficult for our sisters to talk well, so why not take advantage of this? When you are at home, get close and close, who would have known that the second sister is so difficult to invite."

Shen Liangwei looked at Shen Liangrong seriously and said, "Eldest sister is a famous and talented woman in the capital. She has read poetry and books, how could she not even understand the big truth? I'm afraid she was confused for a while? That’s Na, it’s fine for the eldest sister to talk about it at home. When you go to the Yong Palace, you must remember to be careful with your words and deeds. If you offend, I’m afraid Princess Yong will blame it. Will the eldest sister not suffer then?”

   Shen Liangrong's body trembled, her eyes were slightly cold, she stared at Shen Liangwei without blinking, and said coldly: "You all step back!"

  Tinglan and Tingzhi looked at each other, saluted and backed out.

   Shen Liangwei also told Chunying and Xia Mu to go out. She was a little curious, and Shen Liangrong wanted to tell her something to show her true colors.

   (end of this chapter)

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