Chapter 350 Too cruel

   Shen Liangrong's heart trembled, her pupils shrank suddenly, her whole body was as cold as an ice cellar.

   There was a rumbling in her head, and there was only one sentence that came and went: she knew, she knew

   How could she know about her cooperation with Princess Qingrou?

  No wonder, no wonder she, who should have had an accident, was fine, but she ended up in such a miserable end, and her brother—

   The pain in Shen Liangrong's heart is like boiling oil and water, and it is unclear whether it is more pain and regret, or more resentment.

   She only knows that no matter what she thinks, the result is already like this!

  Shen Liangwei. She is too cruel! too hard

   She clearly knows what is most precious to a woman, yet she still chooses the most cruel way to herself!

  The days of hell-like suffering in Mudanlou will always be her nightmare.

   And the second brother. What did the second brother do wrong? Why do this to him!

   In this life, is he like this?

   How could they be so miserable? It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this.

   Shen Liangwei did it all.

  Shen Liangrong suddenly felt a cold and creepy scalp.

   She looked up at Shen Liangwei: "You, such a cruel heart!"

  Shen Liangwei gave her a look that they knew each other, and smiled: "Big sister, you are not qualified to tell me this."

  Shen Liangrong's face instantly turned pale, her chest heaving and her breathing became rough.

   It turns out that she was not mistaken, she really knew, she knew everything

Shen Liangrong suddenly felt that she was like a clown jumping on the beam, complacent and thought she could figure it out, but she just sat on the sidelines with her spare time, watching her acting, watching herself make a fool of herself, and finally, she turned back to the pit. Take it yourself!

  She is so cruel.

  No wonder. Shen Liangrong suddenly understood, no wonder she never lost her innocence even though she suffered a lot of crimes, suffered a lot of fright, and was forced to accompany a drink in those few days. She stayed a little bit, thinking about it, she was afraid of uneasy conscience, right?

   There is also the second brother. The place is so remote, and there is someone who reported the case in time. The officials found him so quickly. Oh, it must be the official sent by Shen Liangwei to report.

   But since this is the case, why does she have to be so cruel? Destroyed myself and my second brother!

   Playing with them like this, is it interesting?

   Shen Liangrong stared at Shen Liangwei, gritted her teeth and said, "You are cruel enough."

  Shen Liangwei: "Big sister, you didn't tell me this by yourself."

  Shen Liangrong choked hard: "."

   She suddenly smashed a tea cup, and she heard the voices of the maids screaming in low voices and scolded: "Stop for me, don't come in!"

   She picked up a piece of porcelain with a sharp notch from the ground and put it on her wrist. The snow-white piece of porcelain was attached to the slender, snow-white wrist with her veins and pulses exposed, making people feel a cold shudder for no reason.

   "You said," Shen Liangrong gave Shen Liangwei a weird chuckle: "If I go down hard, will the old lady think that you did it, and will she decide for me?"

   Since returning from the Peony Building this time, Shen Liangrong secretly mentioned that Mrs. Shen is the same as Shen Liangwei, and has never called her "grandmother" again.

   Shen Liangwei looked at her and suddenly smiled.

   She really thought it was a little funny.

  Is Shen Liangrong so naive? Why did she think she would be afraid of the old lady's decision not to decide?

   (end of this chapter)

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