Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 360: Thinking about it is boring

   Chapter 360 Thinking about it makes me feel aggrieved

   Xiao Jinghuai was coaxed by Xiao Jingye and forced to drink a belly and **** a belly of resentment.

   That night, he didn't go to sleep with Shen Liangrong at all, wishing to see that woman again.

   If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have ended up like this.

   Thinking about it makes me feel suffocated!

   The first time he was calculated by the Princess Qingrou, he was careless, and it must be Xiao Jingye's **** who made trouble secretly; he didn't want to do it again.

   You don't even have to think about it, he can figure out how he was laughed at by everyone behind his back.

  Shen Liangrong's new yard, except for the symbolic hanging of red lanterns and red silk, and the red hi character should be a scene, all the furnishings are outdated.

  The curtains, the tablecloths, chairs, and the carpets on the ground are all half-new or old, dull and dull, and they are not new at first glance.

  Even the pink embroidered tent hanging on the bed has a stale smell.

  The big red happy characters and red silk flowers are tied to these old things. When they are set off like this, not only does not feel the slightest festive taste, but it reveals a decay and funnyness, which makes people feel uncomfortable and awkward.

  Ting Lan and Ting Zhi, the two maids watched all this, inexplicably had a bad premonition in their hearts, which made them panic.

  The days of Prince Yong’s mansion are not as beautiful as they imagined

  The left and right waited for the red candle to burn out, and when they did not wait for the prince to come, the hearts of the two maidservants were even more terrified and desperate.

This this--

At the beginning, Shen Liangrong, who was sitting honestly and law-abiding for the sake of auspiciousness, finally burst out with resentment after waiting for a long time. She violently overturned her pink hijab, and a pretty face with delicate makeup was blushing. Contorted by anger and humiliation by candlelight.

   Shen Liangrong gasped for breath, holding back the tears that welled up in her eyes.

   She kept telling herself that it would be a long time coming to Japan.

   She chose this path by herself, at least, she doesn't have to go out of Beijing to marry a so-called "honest and honest" husband who can't be anything in her life, doesn't she?

   At least she has got her wish to marry the man she loves, right?

   will prove in the future that it will all be worth it.

   The next morning, Shen Liangrong got up and saw the servants who were serving in the yard.

   The four maidservants have ordinary appearance and stout stature. At first glance, they are not smart people. They belong to the elm head.

   There is a grandmother with a horse face and hanging eyes. When looking at people, her eyes are more white than black, and they are very mean. Just one glance makes people feel disgusted for no reason in their hearts.

  Shen Liangrong sneered in her heart, it was hard to be the **** of Princess Qingrou, she didn't know where to find such a servant for her!

   Originally, today's Qingrou County Master planned to continue to pretend to be sick and refused to accept Shen Liangrong's offering of tea.

But her dowry maid, mama Qi, advised her to accept it. No matter what, the side concubine who was conferred by the emperor's decree has already entered the door, that is, the dust is settled and can't be changed. Even if you don't accept it today, you will always have to accepted.

  In that case, why not be more generous? Can you please the emperor and let everyone praise you for being virtuous?

   Besides, if you don't accept her, how can you justifiably discipline her?

   What really moved Princess Qingrou was this last reason.

   As a result, Princess Qingrou finally "recovered" and accepted the tea from the mistress that Shen Liangrong knelt down and offered.

   However, the process of serving tea is naturally not so smooth. The teacup was hot, and Shen Liangrong didn't pay attention to the "Ah!" sound and threw the teacup out, "Clang!" It shattered.

   (end of this chapter)

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