Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 367: I didn't think it was him

   Chapter 367 I didn't expect it to be him

  Shen Liangwei's luck is not bad, it is also possible that the life of the Shangshu is very strict and there is no change, and he will always come here when he comes to rest.

   Seeing an ordinary-looking carriage approaching, knocking on the door of the manor and entering without waiting for the announcement, Shen Liangwei immediately became refreshed.

  If it was the eldest princess Yihe, she would definitely not ride in such an ordinary low-key carriage. Seven or eight out of ten people here is the Minister of the Ministry of Housing.

  Shen Liangwei went around to the remote wall at the back of the courtyard and looked up at the high wall, feeling a little embarrassed.

   She doesn't even have to think about flying over the eaves and walking the walls!

  Shen Liangwei sighed softly regretfully and had to give up.

   She'd better go back to the carriage and wait, wait for the carriage of Lord Shangshu to come out, and then follow him quietly. At least she must be sure that the person in the carriage must be the Minister of the Household.

   As long as she was sure that this place was the place for their rendezvous, she would tell the whole story to her third brother.

  The Princess of Qingrou is now Princess Yong, she was a lunatic, it was too dangerous, she could no longer take chances.

  The third brother will definitely help her, and will also help her keep secrets, and will never tell her parents.

   Shen Liangwei thought about it and turned to leave.

   Before she took two steps, she suddenly stopped, turned her head sharply and looked at a bush with sharp eyes.


   Shen Liangwei felt a little uneasy in her heart, vaguely as if. She just felt that someone seemed to be watching her just now.

   She glanced at the surroundings carefully, it was silent and quiet, except for the rustling of wind and grass and the occasional sound of birds flapping their wings or chirping.

  Perhaps, she thought too much.

  Shen Liangwei is still going.

"Second Miss!" A familiar voice with a little smile sounded behind her, Shen Liangwei's body froze, and subconsciously she wanted to escape, but she turned around involuntarily and looked at the man who had walked behind her at some point in time. man.

   Xiao Jingyu.

  I didn't expect it to be him.

   Her tense heart instantly calmed down, and an inexplicable excitement filled her chest.

   Although her reason told her that it was best not to meet Xiao Jingyu again, her subconscious feeling was not under her control at all.

   "Why is Your Highness here?" Shen Liangwei asked in surprise.

   Xiao Jingyu chuckled: "Of course it's the same as you, this king can't see the dirty things that hide their heads and show their tails, and I feel uncomfortable if I don't overturn them."

  Shen Liangwei: "."

  Shen Liangwei wanted to laugh, but she could understand his feelings.

   As a member of the royal family, the eldest Princess Yihe is so arrogant and humble. It is normal for Xiao Jingyu, who is also a member of the royal family, to dislike the eyes and want to "clean up the door".

   "Would you like to go in?" Xiao Jingyu pointed to the high courtyard wall.

  Shen Liangwei's eyes lit up, and he was tug-of-war in his heart, hesitatingly said, "This—is it okay?"

   "Of course!" Xiao Jingyu said with a smile: "Since our goals are the same, it would be more convenient to be together."

  Shen Liangwei scolded, she felt that she was a hindrance, she had seen Xiao Jingyu's ability, where did she need her convenience?

   However, this proposal was too tempting, she nodded, "Your Highness!"

   By the way, he generously took out a few packets of medicinal powder from his arms and gave it to Xiao Jingyu: "This is a mi medicine with extremely strong medicinal effects. Your Highness has put it away."

   Although he is very strong, this kind of thing is not a burden, right?

   (end of this chapter)

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