Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 380: It's just so heartwarming

  Chapter 380 This is simply earth-shattering affection

  Dali Si Qing immediately bowed to the order: "Your Majesty, rest assured, Wei Chen will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly, and definitely will not wrong anyone!"

   means that he will work very hard to "clean up" Princess Yihe.

   As for Zhang Lian, he should die. If he dares to get his hands on the eldest princess, and dare to accept the precious jade pillow bestowed by the emperor on the eldest princess, his life is impossible to save.

   Emperor Tianyao saw that he understood what he meant, he felt a little relieved, nodded and sent him away.

   The Dali Temple Minister hurried out of the palace, thought about it, and personally took his confidant to the palace of the Princess Yihe, intending to invite people to the Dali Temple for public interrogation.

   This matter has already been widely spread in the capital - no way, originally this kind of peach-colored news of adultery between men and women is easy to spread quickly and is talked about by people.

   Not to mention that the male and female protagonists of this story are the eldest princess of the royal family and the minister of the Ministry of Finance, respectively!

  The people in the capital are running around to tell each other, and the excitement and discussion are more lively than the New Year.

   After all, every year goes by, the eldest princess does not have to do this for decades!

   Naturally, Dali Siqing also guessed why this story spread so quickly, and there were many untrue stories about the eldest princess and Master Zhang, and there must be someone behind it.

   But so what?

  If Princess Yihe loves herself, won't it be all right?

   This case will definitely not be able to be covered up, only open trial.

  However, Dali Siqing never imagined that when he brought someone into the Princess Chang's residence to invite someone, he opened the door of the study, and he would see such a hot-eyed scene.

   At that time, the officers of Dali Temple who followed at that time all exploded with a "Boom!", and the bosses stared at the fragrant scene in the room with their eyes wide open, dumbfounded.

   It turns out that the relationship between Princess Yihe and Lord Zhang is so good? Seeing that death is imminent, the two of them have to be together, which is simply soul-shattering affection.

   Dali Siqing had a dark danger in front of his eyes and did not faint. He was furious and incoherently scolding everyone to step back and step back.

He couldn't help but complained and glanced at the Sicheng. This person has always been in the early stage. If he hadn't urged him to bring the eldest princess back to the Dali Temple Yamen for questioning, he said that the rumor about the case was very bad, and the longer it took, the case would be brought to you. The worse it is said, the better the early trial.

   Dali Siqing listened to this and felt that if he just waited blindly, when would he have to wait? What if the eldest princess delays and refuses to cooperate? Now she's in the study, that's all, if people say in the bedroom that she's not feeling well, and she's resting, it's impossible to take a tough attitude at that time.

  The emperor is still waiting for the answer, how can I spend time with the eldest princess?

   So he acquiesced, and twenty or thirty people hula-la went straight to the princess' study.

   Now his mind is in a mess, and he can't remember who was the first to open the study door. All he knew was that he regretted it extremely, and that it was becoming more and more impossible to end the incident!

   So many people have witnessed it with their own eyes. Although they are all trustworthy people, who can guarantee that twenty or thirty people can all keep their mouths shut?


   Now. How do you explain to the emperor.

   He also resented Princess Yihe and Zhang Lianlai, you are really in love, so are you having the last carnival? ?

   (end of this chapter)

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