Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 388: then it's true

   Chapter 388 Then it's true

  Shen Liangwei is hateful, and this one is equally hateful.

  Shen Liangrong smiled, not paying any attention to the gnashing look of Princess Qingrou.

   Did she still think she was the arrogant and bossy Princess Qingrou from before? Ah!

   "Anyway, this is what your concubine says. Believe it or not, you are a smart person, princess, and you will naturally judge. Concubine, I will not disturb you." Shen Liangrong saluted and retreated softly.

   Qingrou County Master looked gloomy and uncertain, stomped his feet fiercely, and his heart was like a numbness.

   She didn't want to believe it, because she always felt that Shen Liangrong would never be so kind to herself.

   However, she had to admit that what Shen Liangrong said was not wrong. From her point of view, of course, it is more beneficial for her to be in front of the princess for a long time because she has no mother's support, and the prince has misunderstood him now.

  If Princess Yong is replaced by her cousin, oh, what is she in the big house of the Shen family?

  Thinking about it, the Princess Qingrou became more and more distraught.

   She was terrified, afraid of losing, and how Xiao Jinghuai pursued Shen Liangwei in the past, so she became more suspicious and suspicious the more she thought about it.

   Shen Liangrong is not a thing, but their interests are the same in this matter, so she should not deceive herself.

   Then, is that true?

  The Princess Qingrou was frightened and angry.

   She will never let this happen! Shen Liangwei wants to step on her to the upper position, so let her die!

   After making this decision, Princess Qingrou felt a lot easier in her heart.

   Qingrou County Master said he would do it, and after making up his mind, he ordered someone to call Shen Liangrong over.

   Since this matter is beneficial to everyone, why should she do it alone? Shen Liangrong wanted to take advantage of her, but she herself stood on the side watching the fun and the fisherman benefited?

  Humph, when she is stupid.

   The Princess Qingrou has no one who can be used at all, and the mother's manpower has all been played out with the fall of the eldest princess' mansion.

After all, Princess Yihe is a woman, and her ability is limited. In addition, she has to worry about whether it will make Emperor Tianyao unhappy. The guards she trains are only a little stronger than ordinary family members. To be honest, it's not really that great.

   Once the palace of the eldest princess collapsed, these people didn't even have time to escape, so they were all caught.

   As for what is waiting for them, I don't know.

   After all, how did Emperor Tianyao know that the servants who served in the palace of the eldest princess knew anything about the private affairs of the eldest princess? What if there is something unpleasant in the news?

   Naturally, it’s more reassuring to have disposed of it!

   Therefore, apart from the dowry maid and maid, the Princess Qingrou has no one to use at all.

   She felt isolated for the first time.

   With a lot of money in her hand, she could only figure out what to do with the money to hire the gangsters outside.

   She took it for granted that she would pay and let Shen Liangrong contribute.

   "As long as you have money, you can't believe that no one is willing to do it. I have it here as much as you want!"

   Princess Qingrou spoke very generously, but Shen Liangrong was unwilling.

  The last time she cooperated with Princess Qingrou, she fell into it so hard that she almost couldn't get up again.

   That's not even counting, he even planted his brother in it!

   (end of this chapter)

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