Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 390: Shen Liangwei suddenly thought of Xiao Jingyu, her face changed slightly

   Chapter 390 Shen Liangwei suddenly thought of Xiao Jingyu, her face changed slightly

   Princess Qingrou sneered with disdain, would she believe it?

  Shen Liangrong secretly hated, saying that you are not me, you have no idea how she treated me, what qualifications do you have to say this in front of me?

   I treat her badly? So, is she good to me?

   Besides, you yourself are not as vicious and selfish as you are, so what qualifications do you have to speak of me?

Shen Liangrong suddenly became irritable, and there was an indescribable hatred in her heart. All those who looked down on her, bullied her, and humiliated her, wait for her one by one. One day, she will let them know that they offended her. end.

   In a blink of an eye, it was the day when King Qi Xiao Jingye got married.

   Xiao Jinghuai was forced to marry the princess of Qingrou, which made Queen Fu very upset.

  Similarly, Xiao Jingye was pointed by Emperor Tianyao to the granddaughter of the Minister of Rites as the concubine of the Ministry of Rites, and Concubine Yu Gui was angered by the matter of marrying the princess and was fined and grounded. Concubine Yu Gui also felt bad for such a daughter-in-law.

   But who knows the twists and turns, she and the queen seem to be in a race to see who is more miserable, and this again broke out the scandal of the mother of Princess Qingrou and the eldest princess!

   This shocking surprise made countless people's eyeballs almost pop out. Concubine Yugui and King Qi immediately improved their mood again, secretly laughing at what the queen mother and son were laughing at.

   For scandals like Chong Yi and the eldest princess, Concubine Yu Gui felt that her anger against the emperor was nothing compared to that. How can the emperor blame himself?

   But that is Xiao Jinghuai's mother-in-law, Xiao Jinghuai and the queen are afraid that they are almost dying of anger?

   Therefore, Xiao Jingye was in a good mood on the day he married the princess.

   Before that, Concubine Yugui was finally released from the grounding, and happily waited for her son to marry a daughter-in-law.

   Emperor Tianyao probably felt that the royal family was too embarrassed by the matter of Yihe eldest princess.

   In this regard, Xiao Jingye's mother and son are naturally very happy.

   On this day, the ministers of the DPRK and the central government all went to the Qi Prince’s Mansion to congratulate those they could or could not reach, and those who could still stay for a wedding drink.

   Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen naturally had to go, as did Shen Hongxun and colleagues from the Hanlin Academy.

   Shen Liangwei, the daughter of Zuodu's censor and imperial physician, also attended with Mrs. Shen.

  Actually, Shen Liangwei didn't really want to go. She wanted to be as far away from the Xiao family as she was reborn.

   Besides, Lu Xiuxun and Xu Qingyun will also go there, so they can also talk in one place.

  Shen Liangwei didn't want to go, Mrs. Shen was not qualified to go, so she begged Old Mrs. Shen to come forward and let Mrs. Shen take Shen Liangyue with her.

  Shen Liangyue's eyes gleamed so eagerly that she kept ingratiating herself with Da Furen Shen, begging Da Furen Shen to accompany her with her.

  Shen Liangwei didn't want to deal with this at first, but Shen Liangyue went when she wanted to. She liked to be in the camp and admired her vanity so much that she was slapped in the face sooner or later.

   She is willing to put it up and slap people in the face, why should she stop her?

  It's just a cousin, and the difference between the third room and the big room is very different. She has a strong family as the backing. Even if Shen Liangyue makes a scandal, it will not affect the big room.

   Outsiders will only sigh, why are the second and third rooms of the Shen family crooked except for the big one?

   But a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, Shen Liangwei suddenly thought of Xiao Jingyu, and his face changed slightly.

   (end of this chapter)

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