Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 397: how are things going

   Chapter 397 How are things going?

  Si'er's face changed greatly: "No, Miss Shen Er!"

   "Don't tell me soon!"

Si'er's eyes were terrified and tangled, her face was red and white, her lips were trembling, but before she could say anything, Shen Liangwei suddenly realized that something was wrong behind her. She subconsciously wanted to turn back, but she didn't want to slow down. One step, there was a sharp pain on the back of the neck, his eyes darkened, his consciousness instantly fell into darkness, and he fainted completely.

   Qingrou County Master had no expression on his face, except for the female relatives of Xiao Jinghuai's courtiers and nobles who had to flatter and accompany her in front of her, and others did not dare to come forward.

   There are also some who are unwilling and disdain to step forward.

  After all, the present is not what it used to be.

   How beautiful and arrogant the former Qingrou County Lord was, how embarrassed and unbearable she is today.

   Originally, her high position was disgraceful, and coupled with the complete downfall of the eldest princess Yihe, one could imagine what would surround her.

   However, the Princess Qingrou doesn't care about making friends with others and not with himself.

   All she cares about is Xiao Jinghuai.

   First, she really loves him, the kind who loves him wholeheartedly; secondly, as long as she sits firmly in the position of Princess Yong, even if others laugh at her in their hearts, even if they are disdainful, so what?

   When you see her, you still have to greet her in a polite and polite way?

   Qingrou County Master firmly believes that in this world, everything is false, and only power is true.

   can bring real benefits.

   Therefore, not to mention the guests who disdain to approach her, even those who take the initiative to flatter, she is too lazy to deal with them, but looks rather disgusted.

   So everyone is also very interesting. Soon, they all made excuses to leave.

   She and the maids and ladies who came to serve occupied the entire small flower hall.

   When she was a little anxious, her confidant Qi Ma finally came back in a hurry.

   "How's things going?" Princess Qingrou's eyes narrowed, and she couldn't help but get up and ask.

  Mother Qi signaled that the maids should step back, and then smiled and whispered with the princess of Qingrou: "Don't worry, the princess, it has been done."

She said in a low voice, the smile on the face of Princess Qingrou became bigger and bigger, her eyes flashed viciously and happily, she sneered through gritted teeth: "That bitch, oh, I didn't expect it! Well, you Remember, this matter has nothing to do with us, from this moment on, let this concubine forget about it, don't mention it again, don't even think about it."

   "Yes, princess."

Princess Qingrou hooked her lips, and secretly said while drinking tea in a happy mood, Shen Liangrong, that bitch, is somewhat useful, otherwise, it is more accurate and ruthless to kill this knife from your own house than from outside. ? The idea of ​​Shen Liangrong or a **** really works.

   Shen Liangwei was woken up by the cold.

  Yuyou woke up and slowly opened her eyes. After a while, Shen Liangwei realized that she was actually in an ice cellar.

   She felt a chill in her heart.

She was tightly tied with ropes, her mouth was blocked, and she looked up with difficulty. This is a very small corner. Even in this summer with a lot of ice, she wanted to be found. , is not a short-term thing.

   By the time he was found, he was probably dead.

   After all, this is an ice cellar! The cold was penetrating the bones, and the clothes on her body were already thin in summer, but at this moment, she was already shivering from the cold.

   (end of this chapter)

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