Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 409: What if you're so mad?

   Chapter 409 What if I'm so mad

   "Autumn hunting in less than two months, that's a good time, let's make good use of it, there will definitely be opportunities"

Shen Liangwei didn't expect that he would think of this for herself, she felt a little uneasy in her heart, and hurriedly said: "Don't be impulsive, it will grow in Japan. I, I care about my parents, and I also worry about you, the emperor is not a broad-minded person, he It's pretty good for you now, if, if it's because of this - how can I live in my heart?"

Xiao Jingyu smiled happily, and said with a wide-eyed smile: "Weier, if I have a word of worry from you, I will have no regrets. Don't worry, this king will not act impulsively, and this king will have a proper way to settle our affairs. This king can feel at ease only when he settles down! Save those cats and dogs who don't even look in the mirror to see what kind of thing they are, and they will always dare to hit you with ideas."

  The Shen family does not look like a mountain or dew, but as long as it is carefully sorted out, the energy and prospects of the Shen family's big house are really amazing.

   Xiao Jinghuai was the first to realize that shit, so he did not hesitate to try to deceive Wei Er. Now that Yu Guifei and her son have come to their senses, naturally they will not let it go.

  Although the two dogs have already married the princess, theoretically they would not dare to hit Wei Er again, but who knows? What if it's so maddening?

   Besides, if they don't marry, the Queen's family and the Jade Concubine's family also have nephews!

  How can Xiao Jingyu tolerate these people thinking about Shen Liangwei one by one?

   She will not be ready until next year, so this year she has decided, and marrying herself next year is just right. If the house was not consummated, he said that he would feel at ease only if someone married into the palace.

   When Shen Liangwei heard Xiao Jingyu say this, she understood what he was thinking. She was equally tired of this kind of thing, so she no longer refused.

  Although he has something to keep out the cold, this is in an ice cellar. In the ice cellar, the airtightness is very good. In addition, Shen Liangwei has been cold before, and it is gradually becoming difficult to support now.

Xiao Jingyu quickly realized that something was wrong with her, and without thinking about anything, he hugged her tightly and touched her face, the cold touch made him tremble: "Weier, Weier! How are you? ?"

   Xiao Jingyu's calm and calm heart was also a little panicked, and he secretly hated himself for being confused! In this kind of environment, even if he stayed for three or four days, he could still be calm and want his own life, then three or four days might not be enough, but how could Wei Er bear it?

  She's just a little girl! Been hurt like that before.

   He was so annoyed that he wanted to slap himself a few times, how could he be so careless? How can you get someone to follow you and quietly close the door?

   Who is it? If this goes out, he will definitely check it out and won't let it go.

  Shen Liangwei's face was as white as snow, and she subconsciously rubbed his palm against the warmth of greed. She looked up at him and forced a smile: "I-I'm fine, I can support it."

   "Yes, yes, Wei Er is so powerful, she will definitely be able to hold on. My people should have been looking for them, and they will find it here soon, Wei Er, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

   "Well, I, I'm not afraid!" Shen Liangwei nodded, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

   She really didn't feel too scared. Although she felt cold, her heart was peaceful. She believed him.

   "Weier." Xiao Jingyu was furious, hugged her tighter, let her sit in his arms, and held her tightly to his chest.

   (end of this chapter)

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