Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 423: Brothers can't look down on each other

   Chapter 423 Neither of the brothers look down on the other

   "Okay, then look for it," Xiao Jingye sneered: "This king wants to see, what tricks can you come up with!"

   Xiao Jinghuai winked and said to the chief guard, "Bring a few people in and search this king carefully!"

   His heart was pounding a little, as long as Xiao Jingyu's body could be found out, Xiao Jingye's mouth would be finished no matter how hard he was!

  Xiao Jingye naturally wouldn't let his people search alone, and he also ordered, and the guards of Prince Qi's mansion also followed.

   The two brothers faced each other with cold faces, and neither of them looked down on the other.

   Not long after, the guards on both sides who went in to search came out, each shaking his head: Nothing!

   Xiao Jinghuai's face was calm, but his heart was shocked, is Xiao Jingyu not here? Xiao Jingyu is not here!

how is this possible?

   Xiao Jingyu is not here, where would he be? Could it be that he has escaped? how come.

   He suddenly regretted that he shouldn't have killed the entourage who started to imprison Xiao Jingyu earlier.

   "It turned out that there was nothing, so it seems that the assassin is really too cunning, and I don't know where he escaped." Xiao Jinghuai said in a turbulent mood as the storm surged in his heart.

   Xiao Jingye sneered again and again, not believing his nonsense at all.

   always felt like he was doing something he didn't know.

   He was calculating himself.

   Before Xiao Jingye could ask him angrily, Xiao Jinghuai took the lead and aggressively questioned him: "Isn't the third brother going to give this king an explanation for this matter? This is unreasonable, right?"

   Xiao Jinghuai's expression of anger and righteous words, as if he really suffered a big loss.

  Xiao Jinghuai thought very simply, since Xiao Jingyu can't be bothered anymore, then Hengzhuyu Sui is a person in his house, wouldn't it be a big loss if he didn't use it?

   As for where Xiao Jingyu went, obviously this is not the right time to think about it, just think about it later.

   Xiao Jingye widened his eyes and was stunned.

   There are such shameless people in the world! !

  It was clearly that he led people to his house to find trouble, and it was obviously his conspiracy to frame him—don't think of him as a fool, he's not stupid!

   Instead, he questioned him first!

   The anger in Xiao Jingye's chest became more and more intense, and he punched Xiao Jinghuai on the door, "This king sees that you are courting death!"

   "Ah! You bastard!"

  The scene was in chaos...

The    brothers' melee, which mixed the guards on both sides, ended up in front of Emperor Tianyao in the palace.

   Empress Fu and Concubine Yugui came, each glaring at each other.

   When it comes to sons, no one who is a mother can keep calm.

   When he entered the hall, he saw the embarrassed appearance and blue-red scars of their respective sons. He even bit his silver teeth secretly, staring at the other party and his eyes were about to burst into flames.

   "Your Majesty!" Concubine Yugui burst into tears and her words choked up: "Ye'er has always been prudent and polite, but the concubine doesn't know what happened to make this happen, please let the emperor be the master!"

Empress Fu gave her a cold look, "Your Majesty is wise, and the right and wrong will be clearly interrogated. What does Concubine Yugui's tearful eyes mean? It's hard to say who is who! Quite a few, who would have thought that she would still be so impulsive. Concubine Yu Guifei is probably exaggerating!”

   Imperial Concubine Yu said angrily, "Since the Empress said so, then why did His Royal Highness Prince Yong get married earlier, so why didn't he seem prudent? It's ruthless to start with!"

   "Shut up, you two!" Tian Yaodi's eyes were dazzled for a while, his temples on both sides were throbbing and painful, and he was even more angry.

   (end of this chapter)

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