Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 432: Shen Shen is secretly disappointed

   Chapter 432 Lord Shen secretly disappointed

"Princess Yong! Please be careful!" Lord Shen said with a dark face, neither humble nor arrogant: "In any case, Princess Yong has harmed the minister's daughter after all. A fair woman!"

  Sir Shen is not afraid to say this in front of King Yong, Princess Yong has admitted it himself, what is there for him to dare to say?

   Not to mention that Princess Yong's mouth is still so dirty, and she slandered his daughter and King Yong with one mouth, which makes me even more angry when I think about it.

   It's not that he despised King Yong Xiao Jinghuai, he really didn't think highly of this person, and he never thought that one day he would marry his daughter to him.

  "." Xiao Jinghuai was a little embarrassed and angry, and suddenly felt the burning face on his face as if he had been slapped in public.

   This bitch! He gritted his teeth secretly.

   Xiao Jingye gloated and sneered again and again.

"Zhao Shi, shut up if you don't know what to say!" Emperor Tianyao couldn't bear to see that the chief of Qingrou County was being stupid, glared at her and scolded her, and had to turn to appease Lord Shen: "Shen Aiqing, Zhao Shi is ignorant and nonsense. Speaking, Shen Aiqing, don't care about her like that."

  Sir Shen didn't speak, and his expression was still resentful.

"I know that Miss Shen has been wronged in this matter. Fortunately, Miss Shen is not in serious trouble. Otherwise, I will definitely not spare Zhao family lightly. Lord Shen and Imperial Physician Rong have worked for the imperial court, and they have worked hard and made great achievements, and they should have been rewarded long ago. Give Second Miss Shen a pair of emerald-inlaid treasures, a pair of golden steps, a pair of white jade, and twenty treasures, and Shen Aiqing will go back to comfort Second Miss Shen!"

  Emperor Tianyao didn't want to clean up for the Qingrou County Master, but what could he do?

  The Princess of Qingrou is now Princess Yong, his daughter-in-law. If she did something stupid, she would have to shame the entire royal family, so no matter how angry he was in his heart, he had to turn around for her.

   County Master Qingrou heard this, and without waiting for Lord Shen to do anything, she was overjoyed first, and kowtowed to Emperor Tianyao and quickly thanked him: "Thank you, Father Father, Father Father for your grace!"

  It's all right now, she's relieved and she knows that Shen Liangwei has nothing to do with it? The father won't do anything to her

   Lord Shen was secretly disappointed.

   He didn't expect Emperor Tianyao to be so lighthearted and tried to obfuscate the matter.

   His daughter was not in an accident, so, should this matter be a big thing and a small thing?

   His daughter didn't have an accident, was it because the Princess Qingrou wasn't ruthless enough and didn't attack hard enough?

   So, why did he let Princess Qingrou go so easily?

  The emperor wanted to protect the royal face, but he took the life of his ministers as a face. How can people be convinced?

   Not to mention that he, the bitter master, has not spoken yet, but the Qingrou county master thanked him first! Ah--

Lord Shen glanced at the Princess of Qingrou, and cupped his hands with Emperor Yao to the sky with a faint smile: "It doesn't matter what Wei Chen thinks, Princess Yong has already thanked the emperor, how can Wei Chen dare not give Princess Yong face? Your Majesty, Wei Wang The minister was bold, and begged Princess Yong in front of the emperor, and also asked to spare Wei Chen's daughter. If there is any dissatisfaction next time, if you want to be impulsive, come to Wei Chen. Wei Chen has an old bone and will die. It's not a pity. Wei Chen's daughter, she is still young, she should have a better time!"

  Emperor Tian Yao was embarrassed for a moment.

   County Master Qingrou was ridiculed in public by Lord Shen, but his face flushed and he hated in his heart. He sneered in spite of his anger, "Master Shen is so yin and yang - ah!"

   (end of this chapter)

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