Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 439: Fortunately...Shen Liangwei didn't have an accident

   Chapter 439 Fortunately, Shen Liangwei didn't have an accident

   When such a thing happened, how could she still keep her by her side?

   Fortunately, Shen Liangwei didn't have an accident, otherwise, wouldn't he have hurt her?

   Even so, I will never see her again.

   Finally had a friend who could talk to him, maybe he would be ruined, and Xu Qingyun was sad for a while.

   Mrs. Xu sighed softly, waved her hand and ordered someone to gag Sier and take her down.

   Mrs. Xu indifferently instructed: "You can't tell her to go out with a mouth and talk nonsense, fill it with dumb medicine, beat it ten times, and give it to Renya to sell it to the capital. The farther away, the better."

   It's not an exaggeration to kill a lowly maid with a mastermind behind her back. It's just that she can't be so ruthless.

   "Mother! I'm sorry for Wei'er!" Xu Qingyun couldn't hold it any longer, and threw herself into Mrs. Xu's arms and cried sadly.

Mrs. Xu was dejected, and gently patted her softly to comfort her: "Don't be sad, no, it's that bad. Both Mrs. Shen and Second Miss Shen are not unreasonable people, they won't blame you. In a few days, Let's go to Shen's house and accompany Second Miss Shen, she will forgive you."

   "Really?" Xu Qingyun raised her head from her mother's arms, tears welling up.

   Mrs. Xu felt so distressed that she wanted to laugh, she nodded softly and said softly, "Yes."

   Xu Qingyun didn't know whether to believe it or not, but she was in a better mood. She also nodded lightly with an "um" and sighed softly: "Fortunately, fortunately, Wei'er is fine."

   Mrs. Xu sighed with sadness in her heart. She has been ill over the years, and she has no prestige and no matter what happens. Who would have thought that a maid next to her daughter would have such courage.

  If you are in charge of your own affairs and have a lot of prestige, you will not believe that a random maid would dare to do anything.

   Her eyes deepened. Now that her body is almost done, it's time for this family to change.

That night, Mrs. Xu instructed the kitchen to prepare a table of dishes, and ordered someone to tell her husband, Tong Changhou, that he had something to discuss, and invited him to come to the main courtyard for dinner, and then sent someone to tell Aunt Tian, ​​ordering her Bring a pair of children with you.

  Tongchang Hou is optional, Tian Yiniang smiled enchantingly, and the graceful lady also smiled.

   Aunt Tian didn't take Madam Xu to heart at all.

  I am the one that my cousin puts in his heart, so what if the Bai family is the main wife?

   Not to mention that he is still a sick child who cannot give birth to a son.

  I have to say, people like her should have died long ago to make room for her, and it is enough for her to occupy the position of Mrs. Tongchang Hou for so many years.

  Today, it's strange, why do you suddenly remember to call me Hou Ye and ask me to come over for dinner? Could it be that she knew that she was terminally ill and wanted to take care of her?

  Oh, she's just a loser and a cheap girl, just find someone to marry, what's the point.

  Tian Auntie deliberately asked someone to inform Tongchang Hou. When it was almost time to pass, she took a pair of children and went with Tongchang Hou.

   looks like a family of four.

   When Xu Qingyun saw them coming, she felt this feeling spontaneously in her heart, she felt a block in her heart and was secretly sad.

   She subconsciously turned her head and glanced at her mother, with worry and concern in her eyes.

   Mrs. Xu had already calmed down, and had no feelings for her ruthless husband and her aunt who was deliberately showing off. On the contrary, seeing her daughter was so distressed, she could not help but patted her hand lightly and shook her head with a smile.

   (end of this chapter)

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