Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 441: This is really disheartening

   Chapter 441 These words are really disheartening

  Tongchang Hou didn't feel a little distressed, frowned and said to Madam Xu: "Bai Shi, you are too much. Isn't it like this all these years? Why do you suddenly say this."

   These words are really disheartening--I don't even bother to be sad.

   Mrs. Xu sneered: "It's precisely because it's been like this all these years that there are no rules in this mansion, and people are making jokes behind their backs for no reason. Is it possible that Lord Hou still feels a lot of face?"

  Tongchang Hou was at a loss for words for a while, looked at Tian Yiniang, and didn't know what to say.

   "Tomorrow Tian Auntie, don't forget to hand over all the keys and account books. If you can't see it after noon tomorrow, I can't say that I will just ask the elders of the clan to call the shots."

"Master Hou has a son of Shen'er, but it's not very pleasant to say it out of the concubine. Lord Hou, it is better for Shen'er to adopt a son under the lap of his concubine and be regarded as a son-in-law. In this way, it is even more difficult to mention the identity. Sounds great!"

   Madam Xu looked at Tongchang Hou and said again.

   "No, Marquis!" Tian Yiniang suddenly became shocked and couldn't help screaming.

   Mrs. Xu frowned and scolded: "Tian Shi, what are you yelling for? What? Isn't it good for Shen'er to be a son-in-law? You're happy that he will be a son-in-law all his life?"

  Tongchang Hou also frowned, suddenly feeling that what Mrs. Xu said sounded quite reasonable.

Concubine Tian was so anxious that she was going crazy, and she begged bitterly: "Master Hou, let's talk about this matter later! Master Hou, this, this is a big matter, how can I tell it clearly in a while, Madam didn't mean to ask for keys and The account book? The concubine still has to go back and sort out, it's getting late, it's time for the concubine to go back, Lord Hou, go with the concubine!"

   Mrs. Xu lowered her eyebrows, and there was a hint of ridicule in the bottom of her eyes.

  Aunt Tian really thinks she despise her son? Since Shiqu handed over the keys and ledger back, of course he wouldn't want her son.

   Mrs. Xu also smiled and said, "It's true that I can't tell for a while. Lord Hou, let's go first."

  Tian Auntie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, sweating coldly.

   She also understood what Mrs. Xu meant, she would either hand over the intermediate feed happily, and she would not care about anything else, or she would lose her son as well.

   The right of the two evils is the lesser, and Aunt Tian had to reluctantly give up the right to housekeeping.

   However, she thought furiously in her heart that all the people in this mansion were used by her, and many of the stewards were her confidants.

   Even if the key and account book are handed over to Mrs. Xu, so what?

   She hasn't managed the house for so many years, can she manage it well?

   When the time comes, she will ask the stewards to stumbling her, both openly and secretly, and the house is in a mess. She still has to honestly return this stewardship to herself.

   When Aunt Tian thought about it, she felt a lot better.

  I comfort myself, this stewardship is only temporarily handed over, and sooner or later I have to return to my own hands, no hurry, no hurry.

   She never thought that she was incomparable with Mrs. Xu.

   She is just a concubine, and she has inherent deficiencies in hosting. She must have a strong acquired guarantee to do this well.

   But Mrs. Xu is different, Mrs. Xu is justified.

  The people in the house know that Mrs. Xu's health has improved. Who dares not to listen to what she asks?

   It's not that she hasn't managed the house and doesn't know the tricks.

  If you want to stumble her, you can, then check the deficit. Let's see if any of the confidants used by Tian Yiniang can withstand the investigation.

   (end of this chapter)

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