Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 446: it's not a rumor

   Chapter 446 It's not just a rumor

   Shen Liangyue and Mrs. Shen San got a little angry when they heard Old Mrs. Shen's words.

  Why did the big and second rooms come out with the ideas of their mothers?

  The big room is fine, but what about the second room?

  Shen Hongqi has become a crippled person, the second room does not even have a normal healthy son, it is not as good as their third room.

Shen Liangyue smiled a little shyly and hurriedly said: "Grandmother, don't be so troublesome. Besides, if the uncle and the second uncle go, doesn't it seem a little too important? This is not a glorious thing, is it not called the war king instead? Your Highness is embarrassed? Why don't you let the granddaughter go."

   "To tell my grandmother, that day when I went to the Qi Palace for a banquet, my granddaughter happened to meet His Royal Highness Zhan Wang and talked with His Highness Zhan Wang for a long time."

  Shen Liangyue shyly lowered her head and played with the placket of her clothes. As for what she said after talking for a long time, it made people have some meaningful and casual thoughts.

   Mrs. Shen grinned, "Unconsciously, our Yue'er is also a big girl! With a good birth, fair skin and good temperament, it's no wonder that people like her."

   Mrs. Shen's eyes lit up after hearing this. Even though Shen Liangrong had already become the concubine of King Yong, it would be a good thing if there was another concubine in the family.

  The second and third rooms have always listened to her words and agreed with her. If both are out of the side concubine, the two rooms are developed, and they can also overwhelm the big room.

Old Shen Furen thought for a while, then nodded and said, "That's true, this kind of rumor is not very good, if you call your uncle and second uncle to go, it will really make His Highness King Zhan's face look bad. It's okay to go to your little girl's house, no matter what, His Highness won't bother with you if you want to come."

  Shen Liangyue was overjoyed, her eyes lit up: "Yes, grandma is right!"

   Mrs. Shen: "I have a few fresh materials that I just got. You can pick two and bring them back to cut clothes, Changmao, take those pair of filigree butterfly red gold hairpins and give them to Girl Yue."

  Shen Liangyue couldn't help feeling even more excited, her whole body was about to float, "Thank you grandma!"

   Shen Liangyue was so proud, she couldn't help but want to show off in front of Shen Liangwei.

   As soon as he returned to his yard, he re-dressed and went to Lingxiao Courtyard.

  Shen Liangwei was talking to Chunying and the others, and by the way, he was waiting for the canonization decree from the palace.

  If there is no accident, someone from the palace will read the imperial decree that she canonized her as Changqing Xiangjun.

   Hearing Shen Liangyue coming, Shen Liangwei was a little disgusted, because she could roughly guess what Shen Liangyue wanted to say.

   She didn't want to hear it.

  Shen Liangyue was still angry whether she wanted to hear it or not. Speaking of the rumor, Shen Liangyue couldn't help feeling jealous, as if something belonging to her was robbed by Shen Liangwei.

   "Second sister, that day in Prince Qi's mansion, you shouldn't even have seen His Royal Highness the King of War, right? This rumor is too much, how can you say it like that!"

  Shen Liangwei smiled, "It's not just a rumor."

Shen Liangyue loved hearing these words, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks unconsciously, and she said shyly and coquettishly: "Don't hide the second sister, I went late that day, and when I entered the Prince Qi's mansion, I met His Royal Highness King Zhan, and His Highness deliberately stopped. You talked to me for a while now."

   "I didn't expect His Highness not only to have a distinguished status, but also to have such a gentle temperament. When talking to me, he was extremely gentle. Such a good Highness, I didn't expect people to spread rumors like that."

   (end of this chapter)

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