Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 450: That's how a family should be

   Chapter 450 The family should be like this

   So unanimously said that it should be so.

   "Although the canonized girl is Wei, girl Wei is also a member of the Shen family! Naturally, the reward should belong to the public."

   "Yes, the family should be like this."

   In the eyes of all the greedy and greedy eyes, Master Shen said with difficulty: "These are all going to be dowry for Wei Er in the future, just move to Lingxiao Courtyard."

   "Boss!" Madam Shen angrily said, "What do you mean? What? Do you think we are taking advantage of you?"

   Old Madam Shen had no idea how heart-piercing her words "we" were to Master Shen. She was only full of anger at the eldest son, thinking that he was swiping her own face in public.

"Old madam, don't say that," said Madam Shen with a smile, "Weier's glory is also the glory of the Shen family, and the Shen family's face is bright when they say it out? But this royal gift was given to Wei'er. , then it belongs to her. Who else dares to move, but resists the decree. Since it is hers, it is more appropriate to send it to Lingxiaoyuan. Do you think it is true, old lady? Is it possible that the family is still planning these things? Wouldn't it make people laugh out loud if they say it! The reputation of the scholarly family of the Shen family is not good."

   Mr. Shen's second and third Mr. Shen's faces were red and white, and they trembled with anger.

   Shen Liangwei smiled secretly, looked at her mother, and as soon as her heart warmed, she knew that both her father and mother would turn towards her.

   Even if she doesn't have to say anything or remind her, they will think about her.

   She is a junior and has no right to speak, so she often asks people to put on a big hat, so that's fine, she just doesn't speak.

Madam Shen was extremely angry, looked at Master Shen and Madam Shen, nodded and sneered: "Okay, okay! Boss, you two are so proud, no one in this mansion can control you! You, you— -Humph!"

   Mrs. Shen left with a cold face and angrily left.

   Mr. Shen's heart was heavy, he opened his mouth to say something, but when the words reached his mouth, he swallowed it, and smiled helplessly.

   What can he say? What else is there to say? Even if he said it, would mother be willing to listen?

Second Mrs. Shen sneered: "Uncle and sister-in-law are indeed very powerful. In this mansion, I think you will be allowed to be a blessing, and others will no longer be able to control it. I'd better say a few words less, so as not to cause people to worry about it. Come on, maybe what will happen to me!"

Shen Liangwei couldn't hear these words, so she couldn't help but softly said: "Second aunt has said a lot, don't be afraid to make people think about it, my parents and third brother are very busy and have no time to think about second aunt. As for me, I want to come. Just thinking about it, Second Aunt won't take it seriously."

   Mrs. Shen's face changed: "Oh, what a sharp tongue! Even your grandmother can't do anything about you now, we never raised you, who would dare not take you seriously!"

   said, she also rushed away in anger.

   Master Shen and his wife's expressions changed slightly.

   After everyone walked away, Madam Shen winked to move all these rewards to Lingxiao Courtyard.

   Mr. Shen sighed deeply. He didn't expect it to be a good thing, but it made everyone unhappy.

   Mrs. Shen whispered: "Master, don't forget, how did Wei Er get this title and these rewards, does Master have the heart to tell others to share it?"

   This title and reward are all earned by Shen Liangwei's life and compensation from Emperor Tianyao.

   (end of this chapter)

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