Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 458: What's the point of their father and son?

   Chapter 458 What is the match between their father and son?

   Xiao Jingyu didn't take Xiao Jinghuai seriously at all.

   What happened to him? If he has the ability, does he dare to ask his father to report it?

   He dared not.

   Because he himself is not clean!

   So he only dared to meet himself in private, and secretly said a few words of fox and tiger power.

   No matter how much you hurt yourself, you are your nephew? Oh, what about nephew? This country should have been passed down to him by his father, but he had his father taken away halfway, and he had been a thief for a long time, but he justly regarded himself as the master.

   What is the match between their father and son?

   Besides, is he blind? Is his father really good to him?

   Shen Liangrong was also shocked when she heard the news that Shen Liangwei was canonized by the emperor as Changqing Xiangjun.

   Just now, the schadenfreude and elation just because of the unlucky Princess Qingrou also fell a bit in an instant.

   She gritted her silver teeth secretly: Shen Liangwei, a slut, why is she so lucky!

   That's good, how could she be named Xiangjun? It's not an empty title, it's the kind with a royal salary.

   Really want to talk about it, but it is not worse than her side concubine.

   The real reason why Shen Liangwei was named Xiangjun cannot be disclosed to the public, and Emperor Tianyao only said that it was to reward Lord Shen for his great deeds in envoy Yonghu.

  Although it has been a long time since Lord Shen was dispatched to Yonghu, even if the reward seems to have been delayed a bit.

   But, Emperor Tianyao said so, who would dare to say otherwise?

   Xiao Jinghuai hadn't made up his mind on whether to go to the Shen family to congratulate him today. He heard that Xiao Jingyu had gone, so he decided to go too, and took Shen Liangrong with him by the way.

  No matter what, Shen Liangrong is always the daughter of the Shen family. Going back at this time is also good for Shen Liangrong's image.

   Princess Qingrou is completely useless, sooner or later he will have to deal with her cleanly, it is better to use Shen Liangrong.

   On the one hand, it can suppress the Princess Qingrou to stop being a demon, and on the other hand, in order to have a close relationship with the Shen family, why not do it?

   So when he came, Xiao Jinghuai reminded Shen Liangrong that she must treat Shen Liangwei well.

   Shen Liangrong naturally agreed with a smile.

   Originally, she planned to repair her relationship with Shen Liangwei.

  It was only after she entered the Prince Yong's mansion that she realized that without her parents' backstage, it would be really too difficult, too difficult!

   It's hard to walk.

   No one takes you seriously, even the rough servants look at you with slanted eyes. The disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth was heartbreaking.

   At that time, she couldn't help but think, what if, what if it was Shen Liangwei who entered the palace of Prince Yong? If it was Shen Liangwei, who would dare to treat her like this?

   No one dares.

  Fortunately, the mother and daughter of the Princess Qingrou fell down, and the lord began to value her again, and she had a bright future.

   However, this kind of love and respect is unfounded and empty.

   She must seize this opportunity, win over Shen Liangwei, and make the big house her backer.

  Shen Liangwei should know that as long as she is not stupid, cooperating with herself is only good for her, not bad!

   Mutual benefit, why not do it?

Therefore, when Shen Liangrong returned to the mansion, she didn't even go to see the old lady Shen. She couldn't wait to see the first lady Shen to say goodbye, and then went to see Shen Liangwei with a smile. Hands, as if affectionate sisters.

   Shen Liangyue was stunned!

   Shen Liangyue was very happy when she heard that Shen Liangrong was back. She thought that Shen Liangrong would deliberately make things difficult for Shen Liangwei and give her a bad chance.

   (end of this chapter)

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