Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 461: no one can believe

   Chapter 461 No one can trust

   Next time, it won't be so cheap.

   Mr. Shen and his wife had to express their concern, so they went to visit Languiyuan.

   Shen Hongxun and Shen Liangwei also followed.

   Mrs. Shen was very happy today, and she didn't show much disgust when she saw the people from the big room.

   But vigilance is still vigilance. She didn't ask Da Madam Shen to check Shen Hongqi's pulse at all. On the contrary, she always prepared that if Da Madam Shen took the initiative to mention it, she would definitely refuse the first time.

   She simply can't trust people in the big room!

   No one can believe it!

   Mrs. Shen watched with cold eyes, and when she saw what she was thinking, she couldn't help rolling her eyes secretly.

   Heart said that some people play too much!

   She thought her son was some kind of sweet bun, how bored did she take the initiative to ask for a diagnosis for him?

   When Master Shen saw this, he sighed secretly and said nothing.

  Shen Hongqi stammered and struggled to say three or four sentences, and it seemed that he was about to recover.

   But he seemed to be afraid of Shen Hongxun and didn't dare to look at him.

  Shen Hongxun didn't laugh but didn't reveal it.

   After two or three days, Mrs. Shen Er wanted to take Shen Hongqi to the temple to pour incense and pray for blessings, and asked the Bodhisattva to bless Shen Hongqi for a speedy recovery.

   Mrs. Shen asked Shen Hong: "You go with your cousin. Your second aunt is a woman's house, so it's not convenient to take care of your cousin. Go, don't refuse."

   Mrs. Shen's abacus is very loud, Shen Hongxun is famous, and asked him to accompany Shen Hongqi to go to the Bodhisattva to pray for incense, maybe the effect will be better...

   Shen Hong asked if it was necessary, and was too lazy to argue with Old Shen Furen on such a trivial matter, so he agreed with a smile.

   What is he afraid of? Shen Hongqi is the one who should be guilty.

  Just in time, he asked the Bodhisattva by the way, and asked the Bodhisattva to bless a black-hearted person like Shen Hongqi not to end well.

  In the Jiyun Temple, Shen Hongxun accompanied Shen Hongqi's mother and son into the temple to give incense.

Shen Hongqi sat in a wheelchair from beginning to end, speaking very little, and it was almost as Shen Hongxun thought. He was guilty and didn't dare to look at Shen Hongxun. what.

   Mrs. Shen spoke to him diligently and gently, and he answered at most two or three of ten sentences.

Mrs. Shen also faintly saw that the reason why he was awkward and unnatural seemed to be because Shen Hongxun was at the side, and she felt a little unhappy, and stared at Shen Hongxun secretly, if it wasn't for the sake of his talent. , just don't want him to come.

  The people in the big room are all broom stars in her eyes, and she doesn't like any of them.

  After entering the incense, Mrs. Shen felt that she was not enough, so she took the maid and the old lady to kneel together, and had to let Shen Hongxun accompany Shen Hongqi.

   In a Buddhist hall enshrining the Eighteen Arhats, Shen Hongqi was sitting in a wheelchair, staring blankly at an Arhat Buddha statue, his pale and thin face was expressionless, and he did not know what he was thinking.

  Shen Hongxun looked at him, looked at the Buddha statue, sneered "chi", and mocked: "Second cousin, you said that if the Buddha had a spirit, would he bless you?"

   Shen Hongqi's thin and thin body froze, and stared at Shen Hongxun coldly, his eyes flashed with resentment, but he still turned his head back without saying a word.

   Shen Hongxun laughed lowly, full of sarcasm in his laughter. "Second cousin is very pious, then I, as a cousin, will wait to see how sincere the second cousin is!"

   (end of this chapter)

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