Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 466: This mother and son are so shameless

   Chapter 466 This mother and son are so shameless

   Mrs. Xu and the others couldn't help but gave Shen Hongxun a sympathetic look.

Mrs. Xu asked Shen Hong: "Shen San Gongzi, how is the injury on your arm? Is it serious? You are a scholar, it's not a trivial matter to hurt your arm, hurry up and go to the host master to find some injuries. The medicine quickly treats the wound first, don't delay!"

   "Yes, yes!", "This can't be delayed!" Everyone nodded.

  Shen Hongxun bowed to everyone and bowed slightly, "Thank you, everyone, I'll take my leave first."

   Mrs. Shen suddenly woke up and realized what had happened. She felt a "squeak" in her heart. Seeing where Shen Hongxun was going, would you let him go?

  If he leaves like this, when these people spread something that is not good for her son, wouldn't it ruin her son's reputation? This is absolutely not allowed by her!

   hurriedly stopped and said, "Wait, Hongxun, you can't just leave like this. What the **** is going on, you have to make it clear before you leave! Your cousin has always acted prudently, and he knows the rules and generals—"

   Before Mrs. Shen finished speaking, everyone laughed and laughed.

   "You didn't see what your son's face was like just now, but everyone can see it clearly. It's not an exaggeration to say that he is extremely vicious!"

   "Be prudent? Know the rules and general knowledge? Such a person would kill with a knife? What a joke!"

   "Oh, no wonder Shen Hongqi has developed such a temperament, there is such an infinitely doting mother-in-law as Mrs. Shen Er, no wonder she doesn't destroy it!"

   "This mother and son are so shameless!"

   "Young Master Shen is really pitiful, hey, the big house of the Shen family is pitiful!"

   "No way!"

   Mrs. Shen became angry, her face was red and white: "You, you are talking nonsense! How could my son hurt someone with a knife? Hongxun, if you say something, what is going on?"

"Didn't I just say it? The second aunt doesn't seem to have a good memory," Shen Hongxun said lightly, "I also want the second aunt to say something, how did I offend the second cousin, so that the second cousin wanted to do something Kill me. If it wasn't for my life, I'm afraid there's a corpse lying here right now!"

   "You are talking nonsense! Don't slander your cousin!" Mrs. Shen screamed.

"Haha! He did it himself, the wound on my arm is still bleeding; what he said, must have been heard by many people. Second Aunt said I was slandering? Do I still need slander?" Shen Hongxun sneered, He added: "Since the second aunt believes that I am slandering, then just believe what you want to believe, why bother asking me. My wound is really hurting so badly, it's time to go to the medicine and bandage, sorry, goodbye! Everyone, Thank you for your honesty, Hongxun would like to thank you!”

  Shen Hongxun thanked everyone, and went straight away, ignoring that Second Lady Shen was still screaming and screaming in exasperation.

   Before leaving, he subconsciously glanced at Xu Qingyun next to Mrs. Xu.

  Xu Qingyun happened to look at him as well, looking at each other, Xu Qingyun's cheeks were hot, and she hurriedly avoided her gaze.

  Shen Hongxun couldn't help but smile, thinking that Miss Xu was somewhat interesting.

Mrs. Shen's heart is cold, and she is anxious to go to pull Shen Hongxun and forbid him to leave. Once he leaves, her son will be finished. No matter if she forces him or begs him, she must let him be her son. Be fair!

   Xu Qingyun was in a hurry when she saw this, and pushed the maid beside her towards Mrs. Shen Er, who was screaming and staggering.

   (end of this chapter)

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