Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 468: Mrs. Shen burst into tears

   Chapter 468 Mrs. Shen burst into tears

   "Are you satisfied now? Hahahaha."

Shen Hongqi laughed again, and walked staggeringly towards the door while laughing. As a result, when he crossed the threshold, he accidentally tripped over the high threshold and fell straight forward with a sound of "Push!" Going out, motionless, the laughter stopped abruptly.

   "Qi'er! Qi'er!"

   "Second Young Master!"

   Everyone came forward in shock, and Mrs. Shen screamed like a madman and staggered forward, picked up Shen Hongqi, he had passed out, a hole was knocked on his forehead, and blood was flowing.

   "Qi'er!" Mrs. Shen Er burst into tears.

   Shen Hongxun deliberately went to find the host master, treated the wound and bandaged the wound. After thanking him, he asked the temple master to tell the second aunt, and then he went back to the house first.

   Being hurt so much that he was almost falsely accused of being so bad that no one could swallow it, and it was reasonable that he would not be willing to walk with their mother and son again.

  Shen Hongxun dealt with the wound with such great fanfare, and many people saw it with their own eyes when the incident happened, so this matter naturally spread.

   Besides, this is not a simple and ordinary thing, and it is very worthy of gossip.

The incident happened to a wealthy family. One of the parties involved was Tanhua Lang, who was famous all over the world. The other party was a so-called champion who made many jokes. The two parties were cousins. The cousin pretended to have disabled legs because of jealousy. The most bizarre thing about trying to kill my cousin is that the cousin's mother not only didn't care about whether the nephew was compensated, but was aggressive and wanted to hurt others and wanted them to take the blame for everything.

   This is just a slot!

   Everywhere is worth complaining about, and it is worth talking about as news to relieve boredom.

   After all, this kind of weirdness doesn’t happen often.

  So, it is conceivable that this matter spread rapidly at a very fast speed.

   After all, it was involved and almost caused people to die. This is very sensational, and it naturally spreads quickly.

It's true that Shen Hongxun injured his arm, but Shen Hongqi made it clear that he wanted his life. It was rumored that it became Tanhualang who almost died at the hands of his jealous cousin. It's normal.

When Shen Hongxun was leaving, she also met Mrs. Xu. Mrs. Xu couldn't help comforting and caring for him. Seeing that his face was a little pale, he was in good spirits and polite. After a few more words of comfort, watching him go away, he sighed heavily.

On the carriage back to the city, Mrs. Xu also sighed and complained to Xu Qingyun, scolding Mrs. Shen and her son for not having a good thing. I felt sorry for the third son of Shen. If not so many people saw him on the spot and testified against him, he would not have been able to. The shrew who called Mrs. Shen was wronged to death!

  You must know that with so many people present and seeing with their own eyes, Mrs. Shen is still arrogant and unreasonable nonsense.

  The big house of the Shen family is really not easy.

   It's fortunate that Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen are not that weak, otherwise, they would have long since been bullied.

  Xu Qingyun was a little absent-minded and distracted slightly.

   In fact, her heart was surging with joy and excitement.

  No one knows, there is actually something about her.

   She was walking aimlessly with her maid before, and happened to go to the Eighteen Arhat Hall, and saw their cousins ​​inside, hesitant to go in.

   (end of this chapter)

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