Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 471: Shen Hongqi is acting like a ghost

   Chapter 471 Shen Hongqi is acting like a ghost

   He had long suspected that Shen Hongqi was well but pretended not to be.

  Without him, Shen Hongqi's performance is too calm, which is not like his character at all.

   If it was really abolished, Shen Hongqi would not be able to accept it so calmly and calmly. On the contrary, it would be strange if he didn't make a scene that turned the world upside down and made the whole yard uneasy.

   Until a while ago, he suddenly said that Shen Hongqi could speak, and Shen Hongxun was even more certain that he was pretending.

   Maybe not only can he talk, but his legs have already been able to walk.

  Shen Hongqi's brain is somewhat clever, and he can only play with it, and he is also complacent and self-righteous, thinking that he is amazing.

  Shen Hongxun can see through him at a glance, and he doesn't look down on his virtue at all!

   If he wanted to, Shen Hongxun had countless ways to make Shen Hongqi appear in his original form, but he didn't want to do that.

   He wanted to see, what the **** is Shen Hongqi trying to do?

  According to his guess, since Shen Hongqi "can talk", it is not far from him being able to walk around and pretend to be ghosts.

   Sure enough, not many days after he was able to speak, Mrs. Shen said that she would bring him into the incense to worship the Buddha, and asked the Bodhisattva to bless him with a speedy recovery, and the old lady ordered herself to accompany him.

  If Shen Hongxun doesn't want to come, the old lady said it's useless, wouldn't it be easy to shirk such a little thing?

  The reason why he came is to see what the **** Shen Hongqi wants to do.

People like Shen Hongqi only dare to trick people behind their backs. Shen Hongxun entered the mountain today, so he can make adequate preparations. He wears soft armor to protect his body, and he uses it on his vest and front center. After taking off the protective goggles, he slipped a small bronze mirror in his hand, so that when his back was turned to Shen Hongqi, he could observe his movements at any time.

   When Shen Hongqi wanted to rest and passed the Eighteen Arhats Hall, he said he wanted to enter the hall to take a look. Shen Hongxun looked at it coldly, and secretly had a guess in his heart.

  This place is nice, remote but not too remote, easy to do something.

   Unexpectedly, Shen Hongqi left the servant and really did it.

  Shen Hongxun thought about it for a while after the event, and he knew what Shen Hongqi was thinking without asking. After killing himself, he pretended to be injured again. Anyway, his legs were injured and he couldn't walk, and no one could doubt that he moved his hands.

   On the contrary, he can also create the image of a good brother who is helpless and heartbroken.

  It's a pity that he met himself, so he was doomed to fail.

   It was enough that Shen Hongxun was caught off guard by him once and almost lost his life, he could not give Shen Hongqi the opportunity to calculate him again.

   This time, he had expected to completely break Shen Hongqi's legs and never be able to walk.

  Since he wants to pretend, let him pretend enough!

   Wear for a lifetime, are you satisfied?

  The appearance of Miss Xu Jia was an accident.

   Originally, when he discovered Miss Xu's family, he secretly thought that he was bad, and thought that today's affairs would be ruined by her.

   I didn't expect that Miss Xu Jia was also an interesting person. She didn't even scream in surprise, but left quietly and called so many audiences for him.

   Seeing those people appear, he didn't have to think that he must have guessed that it must be related to Miss Xu's family.

  Although Shen Hongqi's legs could not be completely broken, it was equivalent to tearing Shen Hongqi's last fig leaf in front of everyone's eyes. In this life, he would never be able to get up again.

   (end of this chapter)

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