Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 477: Oh, it's a person

   Chapter 477 Oh, this is still a person

   On the other hand, Qi'er's reputation has ruined him. Compared to Qi'er from home, he is the unlucky one. The big house is not willing to let him go. Is he really willing to force people to death?

  Shen Hongqi is her only son and her backer, and it is absolutely impossible for her to let him leave the Shen residence.

   What doesn't she understand? The big room rushed Qi'er to leave, but actually wanted to split up the family!

  The old lady Shen also expressed her disapproval angrily. No one would want to drive her grandson out with her. This Shen family has her share and her grandson's share. This is her grandson's home, why should she drive her grandson away?

   Besides, Shen Liangrong is now the concubine of His Royal Highness King Yong, and Shen Hongqi is her elder brother. Don't look at anything else, and look at the face of King Yong's concubine, don't let the big house mess up!

  Second room caught this point in an instant, and they all praised the old lady as the old lady, thinking fast, and even more plausible.

   Mrs. Shen was so naive that she even wanted to come forward to King Yong, forcing Shen Hongxun to "refute the rumor" and to return her son's innocence!

   Mrs. Shen was so angry that she immediately took back her stewardship and sold all the people used by Mrs. Shen for a big change.

  Everyone in the second room, she will send someone to watch their words and deeds. All in all, if this matter is not resolved in a day, she will not make the second room peaceful.

   There was a commotion in the Shen family, and Shen Hongxun still went to the Hanlin Academy to be on duty.

   It's just that his face was a little ugly, and his expression was haggard. Even if he forced a smile and pretended to be okay, the big guy could still see that there was no sympathy.

   Colleagues were inevitably curious and asked him what was going on in the temple that day? Is his cousin really so shameless and vicious?

  Shen Hongxun looked embarrassed every time, just sighed with a wry smile, shook his head and told people not to ask. The incident of that day has passed, and he doesn't want to mention it again.

   However, someone accidentally touched his injured and bandaged arm, and his forehead was in pain, his face turned pale with cold sweat, and blood oozes instantly.

   was so frightened that everyone panicked.

   The one who hurriedly asked the doctor to invite the doctor, the one who drew warm water, and the one who hurriedly helped him sit down, comforting him with all his might.

   After carefully removing the blood-stained gauze, when he saw the wound, he was horrified, and his heart trembled with anger and sympathy.

   "Oh my God, this is called skin trauma? It almost broke the muscles!"

   "It's too vicious! It's too vicious!"

   "Fortunately, he is still a scholar and a brother. Bah, we scholars are ashamed to be in the same class as these people. It's a shame for scholars."

   "Oh, is this still a person?"

   "Thanks to Brother Shen's good luck, otherwise this arm will be useless, how can I write with a pen in the future? Isn't it ruined in my career?"

   "You're still too kind-hearted, what's the point of ruining your career? People originally came for Brother Shen's life."


  If you offend anyone, don't offend the group of people who hold the pen in their hands, because they have the right to speak, and because the lip service is still the pen, almost no one can match them.

  Hanlin Academy is a sacred place that scholars all over the world yearn for. Words flow from there, even the imperial court will not despise it.

  Folk is even more ups and downs.

  Shen Hongqi became famous again.

This time, even Mr. Shen Er was severely affected. His colleagues almost stopped talking with him. They usually talk together, but now they keep a vigilant distance when they see him, as if they are afraid that he will die in the next second. Pulling a dagger out of his pocket, he seemed to kill.

   (end of this chapter)

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