Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 487: The more the product, the more suspicious and surprised

   Chapter 487 The more you are, the more suspicious and surprised

  Shen Liangwei couldn't help covering her face with her hands, her cheeks were burning like fire, she snorted lowly, but the corners of her lips were raised, and a smile filled her eyes.

Lying on the bed, he still couldn't calm down after a while, his mind was full of Xiao Jingyu, all of his gentle and handsome face, affectionate eyebrows, ambiguous soft smile, and the masculine smell of clean and good smell in his arms. .

  Shen Liangwei turned over while holding the quilt, groaning helplessly, living two lifetimes, to be so embarrassed for a man

   She couldn't help recalling Xiao Jingyu's previous words, and the more she went, the more suspicious and surprised she became.

  He, he said that. It didn't seem like he was talking casually, but it seemed that he had blurted out a thousand times in his heart.

   Could it be that he wants to take back the country?

   Shen Liangwei was shocked, her pupils shrank suddenly, "Ah!" she exclaimed in a low voice.

   Her heart was beating wildly, and her breathing was a little chaotic.

   If he, if he really has this heart, wouldn’t it be very dangerous?

   The more Shen Liangwei thought about this possibility, the more worried she became.

   She didn't think he shouldn't do it, but thought it would be risky and difficult.

   The splendid rivers and mountains that stretch for thousands of miles should have belonged to him originally, and the people of the world who admired and surrendered should also belong to him originally.

   He just took back what should belong to him. Not only was there nothing wrong, but it was just and right.

  But, is it that easy?

  The emperor has been guarding against him all these years, and Xiao Jinghuai and his brothers are even more hostile to him.

   Furthermore, the current orthodoxy is no longer him. How many courtiers will recognize him? There is no one to help and form an alliance, such a major event is absolutely impossible.

   More importantly, as a person who has lived two lives, Shen Liangwei is very clear that the country in the previous life did not belong to him. So in this life, can he do it?

   Thinking of this, she felt a little sorry for him. In fact, in the last life, he had a chance.

  He held the military power, defended against foreign enemies, returned triumphantly, cheered in the court, and what the people wanted. She remembered very clearly that at that time, Xiao Jinghuai had a particularly irritable temper, and he was violent at every turn, restless, and had trouble sleeping and eating.

   was afraid that he would do something subversive.

   But later, he was very happy to hand over his military power and stayed in the capital to retire as an idle prince, but Xiao Jinghuai laughed and crooked his mouth with joy.

   In this life, will there be such a good thing?

   Shen Liangwei didn't know.

The more you think about it, the more confused your mind becomes.

  Shen Liangwei sighed softly, forget it, I don't want to.

   He is not the kind of person who waits for the future and ignores the future, and he will have his own comprehensive plans.

  Who dares to say that this life will not be any different? If you want the result, you will strive for the result. In any case, it is worth more than the previous life.

  Xu's family, Mrs. Xu did not expect that the matter of the Shen family would end with Shen Hongqi being expelled from the clan.

   However, for a vicious and vicious person like Shen Hongqi, this ending is simply heartwarming!

   These wicked people have been expelled from the house. In the future, if my daughter can really marry Shen Hongxun and enter the door of the Shen family, I can feel more at ease.

   However, at the cusp of this crisis, it is not suitable for me to visit Da Furen Shen and ask her about the marriage.

After all, this kind of thing happened to the Shen family. The second room just fell into bad luck. The big room happily told his son about the marriage. Although Shen Hongqi took the blame, but after all, he couldn't write two heavy words in one stroke. some.

   (end of this chapter)

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