Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 492: His relationship with Rong Xiuer has not been very close.

   Chapter 492 His relationship with Rong Xiuer has not been very close

   Shen Hongxun glanced at her and smiled: "What did Wei Er think?"

  Shen Liangwei doesn't need to pretend in front of her own brother, although Rong Xiuer hasn't done anything too much in their eyes, and it's not good for him to "slander" her. The most important thing is that there is no evidence.

  Without evidence, many words cannot be said.

   However, it’s better to let the third brother be a little wary.

  The third brother is different from his father and mother. His father and mother really treat Rong Xiuer as a junior to protect and love her. If they "slander" her, their parents will be disappointed with themselves, and they will feel that how can they be so plain guessing and slandering?

   But the temperament of the third brother is different.

   He and Rong Xiuer have never been very close.

   "I don't know why, I don't like her very much!"

  Shen Hongxun did not expect that his sister would be so straightforward as soon as he spoke, he smiled and asked, "Well, why? Like it or not, there must be a reason, right?"

Shen Liangwei thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "I don't know, I just feel weird and uncomfortable. By the way, when I went to the Ivy Garden today, she walked out of the house with a smile on her face as soon as I entered the courtyard. Welcomed me out, laughed and cared at me, and sent the maids to do this and that, serve tea and get snacks, although I was not happy, it was my mother's yard, my mother's house, I'll go find me Mother is right and proper, how can I make her look like the owner of the house, but I look like a guest! How can I need her to 'entertain' like that?"

   Shen Hongxun raised his eyes sharply, and a sharp flash passed through his eyes.

"It was the same in the past," Shen Liangwei pouted and said with a bit of annoyance: "Third brother, you don't know, when I met her occasionally, she always persuaded me to treat my parents and my parents well. She likes me very much, let me not misunderstand my parents, and don't hurt their hearts. What identity does she use to say such things to me? No wonder I get more and more annoyed!"

   Shen Hongxun was also a little angry when he heard it, and he said that Wei Er had a bad relationship with the big room before, and it was definitely not just the old lady's problem.

Wei Er was not very sensible when she was a child, and the little girl's family was somewhat self-willed and proud. It was nothing, but she was obviously her own parents, but there was a so-called "sister" who persuaded her from left to right, as if she was the one who stood with her parents. On one side, how could the arrogant little girl bear it?

"She is an outsider after all, blood is thicker than water, what she said was indeed a bit too much, and she didn't put her position right. She is just a confused person, don't take this to heart. After all, she was an outsider who said it. , it doesn't mean anything. You only need to know that your father, mother and brother love you and protect you. Don't be foolish, you know? "

   Shen Hongxun smiled at her.

"Yeah!" Shen Liangwei nodded again and again with a smile on her face: "The third brother is right, I feel a lot better when I hear what the third brother said! Don't worry, the third brother, I won't think about it. That is, um, if she is in the future Talking like that again, I'm not happy to hear it, can I refute her?"

  Shen Hongxun laughed: "Of course she can. She is wrong, so she can refute her naturally. It's just to save her some face, after all, she is mother's apprentice."

   "I see, third brother!" Shen Liangwei smiled and nodded.

   sent Shen Liangwei to Lingxiao Courtyard, Shen Hongxun slowly walked back to his own courtyard, and couldn't help but recall Shen Liangwei's words.

   (end of this chapter)

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