Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 494: she doesn't owe them

   Chapter 494 She doesn't owe them anything

   She was just afraid that they would make fun of her and despise her when they found out.

   She did not expect that her parents, who were extremely selfish, would find her around the corner, and even have the face to recognize her. how can that be? When she received Master's money, she was only Master's apprentice, a member of the Shen family, and had nothing to do with the Rong family!

  The reason why she agreed to go back in person was to completely shock them and make them die. Don't come to her again in the future, don't disturb her life, otherwise, she will make them pay the price!

   That price, I am afraid they will never be willing to bear it.

   Now she is no longer the Rong Xiuer who was rounded and flattened by them and let them beat and scold her. If she wants to sell, she can sell it for a few taels of silver.

   Now if she wants to kill them quietly, it's not that difficult.

  It was they who were sorry for her first. Since they sold her, they should break it up cleanly, and stop thinking about getting anything from her.

   She owes them nothing.

   This time the problem was solved perfectly and she was very satisfied.

   She came back to Shen's house relaxed and happy. She thought it would be smooth and smooth from now on. There will only be smooth days in the future.

When Xiaoju heard Rong Xiuer's words, her eyes instantly lit up and she said with a smile, "Young lady, don't you know, a lot has really happened in the house during the long time you've been away. Don't you know that? The current second room—"

"Okay, don't talk about the second room or anything, I'm not interested in the second room." Before Xiaoju finished speaking, Rong Xiuer interrupted Xiaoju and asked, "Sister Wei'er, when will she tell Master Wei'er? Getting so good? Did something happen?"

   Xiaoju was stunned.

Rong Xiu'er pressed on the irritability in her heart, smiled and said to Xiaoju: "You are my maid, we are just talking about everyday things here, I am really curious about this, and after I figure it out, I have something in my heart. In the end, it also saves you if you say something wrong or do something wrong, think about it carefully, and tell me everything."

  Rong Xiuer couldn't help feeling a little sad, she suddenly realized that outsiders are outsiders, and outsiders like herself can never become Shen's own family.

   is to a maid, saying that she is her maid, but in fact she is also a member of the Shen family. In her heart, the Shen family is her true master.

   He didn't dare to tell her what was on his mind, and he didn't dare to ask her to do anything private for him.

   is to ask her a few words, but also to find a high-sounding reason to speak.

Xiaoju thought for a while, then scratched her head, "This, this, the servant girl doesn't know much either, it seems, it seems to be related to Mammy Yu, and Mammy Yu seems to have done something to reveal the secret, which made the second lady furious, and later The second lady and the eldest lady are getting closer day by day."

   Little Orange really doesn't know anything.

   She is just a little maid, or a little maid serving Rong Xiuer. How high is she in the mansion?

   No matter how good Mrs. Shen and his wife were to Rong Xiuer, Rong Xiuer was nothing more than Mrs. Shen's apprentice.

   The status of apprentice and apprentice is actually similar to the servants in front of the master.

   In order to learn more skills from the master, what kind of apprentice does not serve the master respectfully, bring tea and water to the master, do laundry and cook, and cook cattle and horses?

   (end of this chapter)

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