Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 502: Rong Xiuer's gaffe interrupted her

   Chapter 502 Rong Xiuer's gaffe interrupted her

"That's right, Sister Xiu'er is going to find her husband's family. Isn't this a big happy event?" Shen Liangwei smiled and said proudly: "I told my mother, I said that Sister Xiu'er is not too young, I The big sister has left the cabinet, so it’s not good to delay Sister Xiu’er any more. My mother also praised me for my intentions! She said that she would find a good husband for her sister Xiu’er soon! In another year or two, sister Xiu’er gave birth Baby, you're going to be a mother too!"

   "Weier!" Rong Xiuer interrupted her with a gaffe.

   Shen Liangwei looked at her in astonishment.

  Rong Xiu'er knew her gaffe, calmed herself, and forced a smile: "Wei Er, you are a girl, how do you say this, this."

"What can't I say?" Shen Liangwei said with a calm and amused expression: "I told my mother, what are the taboos between mother and daughter? My mother is actually very concerned about Xiuer sister, Xiuer sister has no elders. , it's natural for my mother to worry about such a big event! I also treat sister Xiuer as a sister. If there is anything wrong with sister Xiuer to tell my mother, why don't you tell me! We are about the same age. , Sister Xiu'er shouldn't be embarrassed? Why don't you tell me, sister Xiu'er, and I'll talk to my mother later?"

  Shen Liangwei was full of smiles, and she came right away.

  Since her mother had paid attention to Rong Xiu'er, in order to test whether she had that kind of intention for her father, she would definitely test her with the marriage.

   will say it sooner or later.

   Just because of her mother's impatience, and Rong Xiuer's inexplicable running to find her, Shen Liangwei guessed that her mother had probably already said it.

   However, no matter what she said or not, anyway, Rong Xiuer couldn't ask her mother if she had said these nonsense words.

   Because such words are meaningless.

   It doesn't matter who said it, the important thing is that as long as the mother brings up this issue to her, she must give her an attitude.

   Rong Xiuer listened to Shen Liangwei's words, her heart was a little unsteady.

   reluctantly smiled and said: "Weier is really, really is more and more joking. You are Master's biological daughter, your marriage has not yet been decided, Master should worry more about you, I am not in a hurry, not in a hurry."

"I can wait a few more years, but Sister Xiu'er can't wait any longer." Shen Liangwei said with a smile, "Otherwise, if I waited and waited to become an old girl, wouldn't it be my mother's fault? Outsiders would say that my mother cheated my apprentice. of."

She said with a half-truth and half-truth, "If it's really that time, wouldn't it be possible for Sister Xiu'er to marry my eldest brother or third brother? But my eldest brother does not return to Beijing all year round, even if he wants to marry a wife, most of the time Will marry the daughter of the general and go to the border together. As for the third brother, he has always had an idea, and his parents will not care about his marriage. "

   "Don't talk nonsense, how could I have such thoughts? Absolutely not!" Rong Xiu'er was angry, ashamed and annoyed, wondering what the **** is this Shen Liangwei going crazy?

  Why did she become like this in just a short period of time?

   She absolutely should not be involved with Shen Honglin and Shen Hongxun at all, otherwise, how could she be with the eldest master in the future?

   "Sister Xiu'er doesn't mean anything to my two brothers," Shen Liangwei suddenly realized, suddenly exclaimed "Ah!" She opened her eyes and blurted out, "Could it be that Sister Xiu'er has a crush on my father!"

   "Don't talk nonsense!" Rong Xiu'er was shocked, her face changed sharply and she scolded.

   (end of this chapter)

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