Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 510: is it a son

   Chapter 510 Is it a son?

   As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Shen immediately glared at Shen Liangwei with resentment, gritted her teeth: "Rong Xiuer said so, Shen Liangwei, it shows that you have bad intentions, what else do you have to argue!"

   Rong Xiu'er was frightened and said hurriedly, "I don't mean anything else, Second Madam, don't get me wrong!"

Shen Liangwei gave Rong Xiu'er a cool look, "Sister Xiu'er, don't blame Second Aunt, if it wasn't for your words, Second Aunt wouldn't have misunderstood. What happened after I passed by that road?"

  Rong Xiu'er was about to cry, "Weier, you, don't say that, yes, I can't speak, it's not like that. It's all my fault."

Master Shen Er also sneered: "Brother, did you hear it? Rong Xiu'er's words cannot be groundless, girl Wei must have ulterior motives for Feicui on weekdays, otherwise they will be fine if they don't meet, but an accident will happen when they meet? Is this right? What a coincidence! Oh, as for who taught her, it's hard to say!"

Old Shen Furen said with hatred, "Boss, you have to give me an explanation about today's matter! You are too cruel, too cruel, Hong Qi has already left, can't the grudges and hatred be dissipated? Knowing that the child in Fei Cui's belly is the only hope for the second room, to be so cruel, this is intentional to destroy the second room."

   "If you don't give an account of this and just protect yourself, I don't have your son!"

   Mr. Shen Er and his wife cried bitterly.

  In Jade's stomach, isn't it the only bloodline of their second room.

   This time the big room is really hateful, and this hatred will never be shared.

   Mr. Shen didn't even think about it, "This must be a coincidence. What can I explain? What does my mother want to explain?"

Mrs. Shen screamed: "Brother, you are too unreasonable and partial! Dare you are a family, we are all outsiders who are allowed to be rounded and flattened. Master, we have to suffer our own lives, that's all. But let God have eyes, one day, one day, some people will get retribution!"

   There was still a quarrel in the hall with the smell of gunpowder, and suddenly a woman ran over in a panic, "Old lady, master, ladies, Aunt Feicui, she, she—"

   Mrs. Shen didn't care to cry, she stared at the old woman and hurriedly said, "Did she give birth? What about the child? How is the child?"

  The old woman stammered and nodded quickly: "Born, born—"

   "Is it a son? Is it a son?"

   This time, even Old Madam Shen and Second Master Shen stared nervously.

  The old woman shrank subconsciously, not daring to look at their eyes, "Yes, it's a young lady."

"What! It's impossible!" Second Mrs. Shen screamed, shaking, her body softened and she almost fell to the ground, she paled and murmured like a wandering soul: "Impossible! It's impossible! How is it possible? Not my son!"

   said that Bi Hao burst into tears.

  Old Shen Furen also sat there in a daze without saying a word, her eyes gloomy.

   Mr. Shen Er was even more lost, and glared fiercely at Mr. Shen and his wife.

  Shen Liangwei was speechless for a while, what was he doing staring at his parents when Feicui gave birth to a daughter?

   "Old Madam, Second Master, Second Madam, Aunt Fei Cui is bleeding profusely, it seems, seems to be dying"

   "Get out of here!" Mrs. Shen screamed: "Give her to death! Useless things that can't even give birth to a son, let her die, die!"

   (end of this chapter)

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