Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 521: Shen Liangwei knew she was right

   Chapter 521 Shen Liangwei knew she was right

  Shen Liangwei bet that someone like Rong Xiuer, who is careful and vigilant, would never do this by pretending to be someone else.

   In her room, there must still be tung oil that has not been used up or oil cans that have not been used up yet.

   Seeing Rong Xiuer's sudden change of face, Shen Liangwei knew that she was right.

Rong Xiuer screamed with a white face and wide eyes: "Weier, what are you talking about! Are you treating me as a thief? How can you humiliate me like this? Master! Master! I don't agree, I don't agree, Weier She can't abuse me like this, she can't woohoo!"

  Shen Hongxun raised his head and instructed: "Haitang, Chunlan, Qiu Ma, you all go together. Go now, go!"

   "No, no!" Rong Xiu'er suddenly became tougher, blocking Haitang and others, "I won't allow it!"

  Shen Liangwei immediately ordered someone to pull her away, and Haitang and the others turned around when they saw that Mrs. Shen and the master said nothing.

Rong Xiu'er was extremely angry, staring at Shen Liangwei and gritted her teeth angrily: "Wei'er, hello! You are very good! In order to drive me away and regain master's favor, you really do everything possible, don't care what you find out of my room, haha, Who knows who put it in? After all, you are the second young lady, what do you want to do in this Ivy League, who can stop you? Hahahaha!"

   These words actually pushed herself clean, no matter what she found in her house, it might not belong to her, but Shen Liangwei asked someone to put it in.


  Shen Liangwei didn't speak, just glanced at her calmly, and a sneer flashed across her eyes.

   is not only shameless, but also stupid.

   Saying this in front of your own parents, isn't it stupid? Perhaps it was because of others, Rong Xiuer had always been very sensitive and delicate in her mind, she was always thoughtful in everything she did, and she was gentle and quiet to the outside world, so she would never make such a low-level mistake.

  Unfortunately, she is already in a big mess by now.

   That gentle and quiet image was broken by himself.

  She just relied on this appearance to betray her mother, and she got her mother's love and affection. When she didn't have this image, what would she use to coax her parents?

   Sure enough, when Shen Hongxun heard this, his brows furrowed a little, what kind of words did he say? Isn't this rascal?

   Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Shen were also a little surprised. Mrs. Shen had always loved Rong Xiu'er more, so she was naturally hit harder.

   Her eyes widened and she couldn't believe it. How could Xiuer say such unreasonable words?

   She used to be. Not such a person.

  No, or in other words, have you always misunderstood her?

  Weier was only questioning her from the beginning to the end. What happened today was just a coincidence to be suspicious. Although she was a little aggressive, she did not slander her for anything.

   On the contrary, she first insisted that Wei Er had harmed her because of jealousy, but now she is simply acting as a scoundrel.

  Weier wanted to search her house, which was a bit too much, but right now it was a helpless move. Since there is doubt about this matter, she has to figure it out, otherwise, she will not feel at ease.

  Perhaps, subconsciously, she actually believed what Wei Er said and wanted now, but it was just a confirmation!


   (end of this chapter)

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