Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 524: you tell the truth

   Chapter 524 You tell the truth

  A lie needs to be rounded up by countless lies that are linked together.

  The circle comes and goes, and there will always be a link that can’t be buckled again

   Like her at the moment.

   "Xiu'er!" Mrs. Shen stepped back and looked at her: "What the **** is going on? I don't want to say more, just ask you, you, you tell the truth."

Rong Xiu'er's face turned red and white, changed from her previous arrogance and shamelessness, and began to cry again: "Master, I, I didn't do it, it really wasn't me! I won't repay Wei Er, Why would I want to hurt her woohoooo"

Shen Hongxun was furious: "You still want to deny it at this time? You won't hurt Wei'er? Oh, what did you just say? Didn't you keep accusing Wei'er of hurting you? This tung oil jar clearly came out of your room. If you find out, you can die and insist that Wei Er put it in, what else can you do or dare to do?"

"Mother, this person didn't belong to our family originally, so there is no need to keep it. I think, let's send her back to her own home! Mother cut off the teacher-disciple relationship with her, and will have nothing to do with her from now on, our Shen family's door. From now on, she is not allowed to take another half step. In short, this person, in my opinion, is not a good person!"

   "Weier is right at all, Shengmien fights against rice, as expected!"

   Mrs. Shen gave Rong Xiu'er a complicated look and sighed softly.

Rong Xiu'er was very frightened and cried and begged: "Master, Master, please don't drive me away, please don't drive me away! Master, I don't want to leave here, please, don't drive me away! I have no home. Now, I have only you, Master"

How can    go home?

   Now her deed of prostitution is in Master's hands, and the reason why Master is holding on to her deed of prostitution is to use it to block her family's mouth and prevent them from having an excuse to cause trouble.

   She knew very well that this so-called contract of prostitution was actually useless, and Master would not use it to pinch her.

   But once the deed of sale is returned to her family, she will really be worse off than dead!

   Her family will not spare her lightly, and once they have the power to deal with her, they will not let her go. That kind of hot water, she finally jumped out, she definitely doesn't want to do it again!

   "You tell the truth," Shen Da Furen said in a trembling voice, "Xiu'er, you tell the truth"

  Otherwise, she would never keep a poisonous snake by her side, in her own home.

   She couldn't figure out why. She wasn't good enough for her? Why is she doing this to herself!

   Although Jade is unbearable, I don't like people like that, but it's a life after all! She said it was just a calculation, it was terrible.

   "If you don't say anything, it's better to be sent to the official," Shen Liangwei said coldly: "My mother is righteous and killed her relatives, it's not unreasonable. Although I don't like jade, but it is a life in the end."

  Rong Xiu'er's expression changed greatly, but she ignored Shen Liangwei and just cried and begged Da Furen Shen to forgive her pitifully.

Shen Liangwei sneered and said, "Rong Xiu'er, don't you think that I said this to scare you or make fun of you? What does it have to do with me being involved in this? I'm also fearless, and I won't worry about losing my reputation because of it. After all, it's not me who killed people!"

  Shen Hongxun sneered: "This matter is very clear, the facts are there, the evidence is conclusive, Rong Xiu'er, what's the use of you being bitten? Do you really want to go to the yamen?"

   (end of this chapter)

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