Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 537: just the two of us

   Chapter 537 Just the two of us

"That's true," Xiao Jingyu smiled, his hand on her shoulder slipped lightly, he took advantage of the trend to gently embrace her, leaned her against him, and said, "your parents naturally love you, but others I can't say for sure. However, others are not important, Wei Er doesn't have to feel sorry for unrelated people, it's enough to have Lord Shen, the others, and this king to treat you well."

  Shen Liangwei's pretty face warmed slightly, she said "um" in a low voice, a slight smile spread across her lips, she couldn't help but gently snuggle into Xiao Jingyu's arms.

Although her movements were very soft and small, Xiao Jingyu still noticed it, and was very happy, so he simply did not hide it, and hugged her tightly into his arms, bowed his head on her forehead and kissed her face lightly, his voice darkened. Dumb and low, he whispered softly above her head: "I haven't seen you for a few days, this king has trouble sleeping and sleeping, restless, Wei Er, do you miss this king?"

  Shen Liangwei: "."

   The originally gloomy and depressed mood instantly made him dilute by half. She blushed and pushed him gently, whispering, "Don't say that."

   Although her parents knew that they were in contact with each other, and they pretended not to know, and they knew each other, there was only a thin layer of window paper left that had not been pierced, but Shen Liangwei was still a little bit unable to hold back his blatant enthusiasm.

   Xiao Jingyu's lips overflowed with a low smile of pleasure, and he grabbed her hand and held it gently: "What this king said is from the heart."

   Shen Liangwei's face was hotter and more shy, and she couldn't hang up. Xiao Jingyu laughed lowly, not daring to tease her any more, he kissed her hand and said softly: "By the way, it will be August 15th in a few days, will this king take you out to admire the moon that night? Do you think? Where to go? You can climb a mountain or swim in the lake, just the two of us, it must be interesting.”

   What's so interesting about the two of us, Shen Liangwei secretly complained, thinking that there are no outsiders around, I still don't know you, how can you go too far! She thought it was really amazing, why didn't she know that His Royal Highness the dignified war king had such a side?

   Thinking that this side of him would never show in front of others, but it was only for himself, and Shen Liangwei felt a little sweet.

   His deep, tender and affectionate eyes looked at her, with a trace of nervousness in anticipation. Shen Liangwei suddenly softened and said with a chuckle, "I can't say this, but what if my mother doesn't allow it?"

   Xiao Jingyu hurriedly said with a smile: "It's simple, I'll go and tell Imperial Doctor Rong, if Imperial Doctor Rong agrees, Will Weier not refuse?"

  Shen Liangwei laughed in her heart, thinking that you are so courageous, go and tell my mother that you want to take me out at night. To be honest, even if you are a prince, my mother probably won't agree.

   In the end, the mother will still ask her.

  Shen Liangwei couldn't help laughing: "Forget it, I will tell my mother."

  August 15th to go out with him to admire the moon, she couldn't help but look forward to it

   Xiao Jingyu was overjoyed, with a smile in his black eyes: "Okay, then the king is waiting for the good news from Wei Er!"


The two talked for a while, Xiao Jingyu hesitated, and finally said: "If there is anything that needs the help of this king, Weier should not hide it from this king. No matter what I do for you, this king is willing and willing. This king does not want to. see you suffer any trouble and harm"

   Shen Liangwei had mixed feelings for a while.

   She knew that the look of her talent fell in his eyes, clear and distinct, as if nothing happened.

   (end of this chapter)

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