Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 549: He will be disgusted by the name of Mrs. Shen

   Chapter 549 Named under the name of Mrs. Shen, he will be disgusted

   He knew that his own mother was Auntie Lin, and re-recorded it under the name of Auntie Lin.

   No matter whether he is a son or a son, what he wants is a truth.

   Named under the name of Old Shen Furen, he will be disgusted.

   This is a later story.

   That evening, Xiao Jingyu arrived as scheduled.

   As Xiao Jingyu, who has been following the Shen family all the time, especially after listening to Shen Liangwei's talk last night, he has sent someone to keep an eye on him, so he naturally knows exactly what happened to the Shen family today.

  The second room and the third room are all mercenary snobs. When they can take advantage, they naturally try to take it as much as possible. When they find that they can’t take advantage, they respond very quickly.

   Leaving Fu’an Hospital today, they began to pack their luggage quickly. Master Shen Er sent someone out to find a suitable house. Several courtyards were so busy that people turned around and jumped around.

   Mrs. Shen even went straight to the cashier for the first thing, trying to get a sum of money in her hand before Mrs. Shen gave the order.

  It is as much as you can withdraw. Of course, you should try your best to take advantage of it at this time.

   However, it is a pity that Mrs. Shen has already seen through them, so how can you not be on guard? With the money in the account, Mrs. Shen couldn't get a penny away even though she was so rude

   Xiao Jingyu can be considered to have seen the shameless faces of the Shen family with his own eyes, and he is quite speechless.

   Seeing Shen Liangwei at this moment, Xiao Jingyu was at a loss as to how to comfort her.

He could only give her a golden phoenix with a pearl inlaid with a treasure, and then clumsily comforted: "This matter is finally settled, there will be no more in the future, there will be no more. Don't be sad, Wei Er."

   Shen Liangwei's heart was soft, she looked up at him, shook her head and chuckled: "I'm not sad, today, I'm very happy."

   "Yes, get rid of the shameless one!" Xiao Jingyu complained about the Shen family, but he didn't have any scruples, and said: "Tomorrow I will ask someone to talk outside, Wei Er, what should I say?"

  Xiao Jingyu was in high spirits and eager to try, as if he could not wait to have a big fight immediately, which made Shen Liangwei a little dumbfounded.

   But she understands that Xiao Jingyu is well-intentioned and controls the public opinion. There are many people under Xiao Jingyu's hands, so it is naturally more convenient to do it.

   In this way, the discordant voice will be covered to the maximum extent, and the damage to her parents and the big house will be minimized, which is naturally a good thing.

   Besides, the old lady and the second and third bedrooms can be ruthlessly rectified, which can be regarded as a reluctance to let out two lifetimes of bad anger, why not do it?

  Shen Liangwei sat down with Xiao Jingyu and told him something about the Shen family.

   After all, Xiao Jingyu needs materials to build momentum.

   All kinds of old ladies and the second room, the third room how much, how much work, how much the big room is wronged, how much humiliation and burdens are all kinds of materials.

  Shen Liangwei is not a person who likes to sell miserably. The past is over no matter what. She and her parents and brothers are now finally able to keep the clouds open and see the moon, which is better than anything else.

  If it was not necessary for the material, she would not have mentioned this to Xiao Jingyu or anyone at all.

   Many things, only his family knows about his own affairs, and Xiao Jingyu does not know either.

   At this moment, I can imagine how angry and distressed I feel.

   (end of this chapter)

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