Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 553: shallow eyelids

   Chapter 553 Shallow eyelids

   This is simply vicious to the extreme!

  Fortunately, God has eyes, Master Shen regained his memory, remembered everything in the past, interrogated the old lady who was serving by her side, and finally the truth came out.

  Otherwise, wouldn't it be that he would be teased by her all his life, and he couldn't be reconciled in his heart, and couldn't understand why he was so unpopular because he was also "born".

   The Shen family's big house has been through these years, it's really not easy!

   Mr. Shen is particularly difficult. Under the ulterior upbringing of a surly mother, not only did he not grow crooked, but he was able to achieve today's achievements. No matter who saw it, he had to praise him sincerely!

   If it was me, under the upbringing of someone like Mrs. Shen, I am afraid that I will be enslaved by his second and third younger brothers all my life, and I will never try to get ahead.

  It's not easy

   In addition to sighing, everyone admired the big room of the Shen family, and they all scorned and ridiculed the second room and the third room.

   How about saying that God has eyes? If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Even with the help of eccentric elders and a promising big brother, the same mud can't support the wall!

   On the moving side of the second and third rooms, some people knew about this time, so countless people came to watch them move.

   Seeing that they even moved away pots and pans, stools, flowerpots and other things, they all pointed and laughed.

   So people who don't have a pattern have no pattern, look at their faces

   Mrs. Shen Er and Mrs. Shen were blushing, and when they arrived at the yard of their new home, they couldn't help complaining and scolded Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Shen.

   scolded them for their shallow eyelids.

   Mrs. Shen and the third Mrs. Shen quit their jobs and started to cry and howl. Don't you want money to live in the future? What do you need money to buy? They are incompetent, and they don't know what to do in the future. How can they live without long-term planning and careful planning.

   Besides, even if it is a pair of chopsticks, a door curtain, and a tablecloth, they are originally their own, so why can't they take them away?

   Mrs. Shen even urged Mr. Er and Mr. Shen to ask the big room for the alimony of the old lady.

   "Why is the old lady a first-mother, right? Didn't they agree that they would also get a share of the money to support the old lady? This can't be ignored!"

  These trivial things somehow made people hide outside and eavesdropped on them, and they spread, causing countless people to laugh at them.

  The Second Master Shen and the Third Master Shen went to the yamen on duty, and the treatment also plummeted. In the past, for the sake of the big room, even the boss was polite to them, but now it is different.

  Some people used to be envious but dared not to say it, but now they come face to face with sarcasm, all kinds of sneering and ridicule, and push them to do any work that is not good.

   Let’s talk about the palace of King Yong.

  Rong Xiuer knew that she could no longer stay in the Shen family, so she decided to go to King Yong Xiao Jinghuai.

  Since Xiao Jinghuai had been eyeing the Shen family's house, how could he not have noticed Rong Xiu'er?

   After all, Rong Xiuer has been promoted by Mrs. Shen, and she is also well-known in the circle.

   Xu is divided into groups, Xiao Jinghuai and Rong Xiuer have a very good relationship in private.

   (end of this chapter)

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