Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 557: Who knew the topic would be so skewed

   Chapter 557 Who knew that the topic was so crooked

   If he had more sons, how could they dare not be so restrained!

   Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen were dumbfounded as they watched the intensifying battle between the two princes.

   What style of painting is this?

   This is too fantastical, right?

   Isn't it discussing about their Shen family? Although they are actually very reluctant to have their private affairs discussed behind their backs, but after all they have to go through this, it will be fine.

   Who would have thought that the topic would be skewed like this.

   Mr. Shen felt a little embarrassed.

   So today the court, Master Shen went to the palace to ask to see him.

  Emperor Tianyao's mental state and physical condition were not very good these days, but he had to endure and pretend that nothing happened, which was even worse.

  If other ministers asked to see him at this time, he would make a random excuse to fool him and disappear.

   But it was Mr. Shen who asked to see him. After thinking about it, he ordered someone to invite him in.

   In fact, even if he knew that this matter was entirely deliberately exploiting the topic and had nothing to do with Master Shen, he was somewhat displeased and angry in his heart.

   Therefore, he really wanted to know what his Shen Aiqing, who came to see him specially today, would say something to him.

   Mr. Shen entered the hall and knelt down and bowed his head to greet him. After he was flattened, he did not hesitate at all. He cupped his hands and rushed over to bow deeply: "Your Majesty, Wei Chen has caused trouble for your Majesty, please forgive your sins!"

"Wei Chen doesn't know how things have become like this. It was originally just a little family affair in Wei Chen's mansion, and the ugliness of the family can't be made public. Wei Chen is really shameless to say it, and it's no wonder that it's rumored. It's been a while since it was posted, who knows."

"Who knew that it would suddenly become like this in the middle. In the past few days, Wei Chen is really restless and restless. If it weren't for this matter in Wei Chen's family, there would never be such a situation now, let the emperor heart block"

Master Shen sighed again and again, lifted his robes and knelt down again: "Although Wei Chen is innocent, this matter is caused by Wei Chen, please forgive the emperor. If Wei Chen said arrogant words, this dispute between the descendants and the concubines is also a matter of fact. It is an orthodox dispute, this is a topic that has existed since ancient times, it is nothing, the emperor should not care too much, the emperor must take care of the dragon body!"

   Emperor Tianyao was both relieved and angry when he heard these words.

  It is gratifying that what Shen Aiqing said sounded very pleasing, which made people feel very at ease, but what was irritating was that those two unsatisfactory things didn't care about him as a father and emperor at all!

   "Shen Aiqing will recover quickly," said Emperor Tianyao, "What does this have to do with Shen Aiqing? I'm not so confused yet! It's all those people who were originally thinking of things that are using the topic to make waves!"

   The more he talked, the more angry he became, and he sneered: "This one by one, do you still have me in your eyes!"

   "The emperor calms down his anger, everything, in the end, can't get past the emperor. In the end, the emperor has to make up his mind!" Master Shen said again.

  Emperor Tianyao sneered: "They are all crazy, it's better that Shen Aiqing can see clearly!"

Perhaps it was because his mood was too turbulent for a while, or perhaps it was because he had been holding his body for a while and finally reached the critical point, Tian Yaodi suddenly felt a strong sense of dizziness and a dull pain in his brain, he groaned, his eyes Some fainted in the past.

   "Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Eunuch Lu, the chief **** standing beside him, was so frightened that he almost fainted, and hurriedly helped him shake.

   (end of this chapter)

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