Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 561: Fewer people, more lonely

   Chapter 561 Fewer people, even more lonely

  Haitang knocked on the door, and it didn't open until after a while, and when she saw it was them, her complexion changed.

   Mrs. Shen sneered, her sinister eyes swept over them, and walked away.

   Mrs. Shen sneered, mocking neither sour nor cool.

  The people in the big room of the Shen family were calm, they had long known what kind of virtue they were, and none of them took their attitude to heart.

   Mrs. Shen saw this and walked away with a sneer.

  Shen Liangwei glanced at it and looked at the yard. It was half-new and not old, and the owner had no intention of taking care of it, and it showed a smell of decay.

   There are only three or four people left to work, and the others must have been sold by them.

  The less people there are, the more lonely it is.

   Mr. Shen led them to the main room to give gifts and money.

   Where does the old lady Shen still have the pampered look she had when she was in the Shen residence? Her hair was a lot grayer, and the folds on her face seemed to be more and deeper. She was still wearing good clothes, but in this dreary room, her whole person seemed to be twilight and dejected. .

   Madam Chang had really disappeared, and there was another mama who was waiting beside her.

   Shen Liangwei and others were all taken aback when they saw this.

   Shen Liangwei was surprised, but she secretly complimented. In this life, she finally saw her retribution with her own eyes!

The old lady Shen was paralyzed on the couch as if she was powerless, but when she heard the movement, she raised her eyes and saw that their eyes instantly sharpened and sat up straight, and sneered at Master Shen fiercely, "You still have the face? What are you doing here? All of them are white-eyed wolves with no conscience! Get out, get out of here!"

   Mr. Shen ordered someone to put the things on the table, and said lightly: "This is a gift that should be given. Now that it has been delivered, we will leave now."

   Mrs. Shen was stagnant, feeling powerless as if she was punching cotton.

   Her eyes were still vicious, staring at Master Shen, wishing a poisonous snake sprang out to bite him.

  To this day, the two sides have already torn their faces, so why do they need to pretend to be more affectionate?

   Mrs. Shen pursed her lips and said to Grandma Qing, "Go and bring those things over."

   Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen both have some indescribable emotions in their hearts. It turns out that the elders they once respected have such a faceless face?

   Mr. Shen secretly laughed at himself, and it is no wonder that the Shen family prides itself on being a scholar, but since his grandfather's generation, it has withered and declined, and since his grandfather's generation, no one has been an official in the court.

   I would like to ask, what kind of a family can such a family be able to marry as a mistress? The nature of old lady Shen is really normal.

  Old Madam Shen unceremoniously asked Qing Ma to unwrap those gifts. She didn't even take a look at the food. She frowned when she saw the material of the clothes, and when she saw that the silver note was only one hundred taels, she became furious.

   "Boss! You are sending beggars! What can you do with so little money! Has your conscience been eaten by a dog!" Old Madam Shen slapped the table and roared.

Master Shen's tone was calm: "One hundred taels of silver is a lot, and many people can't spend one hundred taels a year. I am an official of the imperial court, and my salary is only that much. Depending on who is in front of me, this silver is enough. ."

   "Oh, you can't earn it, so what about Mrs Rong? Can she still have no money?" Old Shen Furen sneered.

   Mrs. Shen is so disgusting that she is so disgusting that she wants to vomit.

   (end of this chapter)

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