Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 567: Feeling pity in my heart

   Chapter 567 Feeling of pity

Shen Liangwei lay on top of him, her pounding heart slowly returned to normal, the shyness on her face was gradually relieved by the coolness of the mountains, his breath was in his ears, his temperature through his clothes, and the moon Hua Ruqing, branches and leaves rustling, insects chirping one after another, her heart suddenly became gentle and sweet.

   seems to be soaked in a honey pot, sweet and greasy.

  This kind of night, with such a person by her side, even if she has to travel through thousands of mountains and rivers to truly come to his side, she is willing to do her best to try.

The mountain wind was blowing slowly, and the elegant fragrance of flowers came to the nostrils. Shen Liangwei subconsciously took a breath and smiled happily: "Yeah, it's the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus! Did you smell it? There really is sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus on the top of the mountain. , we're almost at the top!"

"Well," Xiao Jingyu smiled and said with a little regret while carrying her steadily climbing the mountain: "You look up and look ahead, you can see the corner of Lanyue Pavilion, and you will arrive at the corner. This part of the road is really too short. ."

   "You still think it's too short?" Shen Liangwei was somewhat ironic, and couldn't help laughing: "I wish I could be here sooner, otherwise I'm afraid you'll be working too hard!"

   "It's not hard," Xiao Jingyu smiled brightly: "How can it be hard to carry your own daughter-in-law?"

  Shen Liangwei: "."

   After realizing it, she realized what he meant by what he said, and her face became hot, and she struggled gently: "Let me go!"

   "Shh, darling, we'll be there in a while. It's time to lift your feet!" Where is Xiao Jingyu willing to let go?

  Shen Liangwei: "."

   When he got to the pavilion, he finally put her down, raised his hand to straighten her hair that was a little messy from the mountain wind, hugged her and said with a smile: "How, it's not bad here, right?"

  Shen Liangwei was afraid that he would be tired after walking up the mountain behind her for so long, so she pulled him into the pavilion and sat down.

  The two-story pavilion with cornices at the four corners is quite large, with tables and chairs, melon and fruit mooncakes and snacks, and warm hot tea on the table.

   There is a small wind stove next to a wall, the charcoal fire in the stove is faintly red, and the water for making tea is boiled on the stove.

   It can be seen that someone has already come up from another mountain road in advance to prepare all this.

  There is a surrounding staircase outside the pavilion, you can go upstairs.

  Xiao Jingyu sat down with Shen Liangwei, Shen Liangwei lifted the teapot, poured a cup of tea, the tea was clear and warm, and the tea was fragrant. She held up her hands and offered it to him, smiling, "Your Highness, drink a cup of tea to quench your thirst."

   Xiao Jingyu took it and said with a smile: "If I can sit with Wei Er every day and drink tea, this king will have no regrets in this life!"

   Shen Liangwei smiled, feeling pity in her heart.

   In the last life, he was so lonely. I don't know what happened in the end.

   In this life, she was fortunate enough to walk into his life by accident. For them, they were all complete.

   He cherishes her so, she will cherish him well

   The two sat and drank tea and talked for a while, then went up to the second floor together.

  The view upstairs becomes wider, the huge jade-colored full moon hangs high in the sky, the lake at the foot of the mountain presents a strange light wave, the shadows of mountains and trees, under the pouring moonlight, are lovely.

  The dense and round crown of the osmanthus tree is covered with clusters of flowers, and the fragrance is bursting, which is refreshing.

   "It's so beautiful!" Shen Liangwei's lips curled into a smile, her heart was cleared of dust, she felt that the sky was wide and the earth was fresh and pleasant.

   Xiao Jingyu approached her, embraced her tenderly, and said with a low smile, "Well, it's so beautiful."

   (end of this chapter)

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