Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 577: Maybe it can go smoothly

  Chapter 577 Maybe you can make it

   His family Weier is smart and learns everything quickly.

   It's just that in his heart he still hopes that she will only ride with him on a ride. It's still worrying to let her ride like this alone!

   In the end, Xiao Jingyu told me to not be stubborn, don't learn from Lu Xiuxun, Lu Xiuxun was trained since childhood, don't compare with her, protect yourself is the most important thing

   Shen Liangwei wanted to laugh and sweet when she heard it, and repeatedly said that she must be careful and careful, but Xiao Jingyu gave up.

   The next morning, Shen Liangwei told Madam Shen that Rong Xiuer might also secretly follow Xiao Jinghuai to the hunting ground.

   Mrs. Shen's reaction was similar to that of Shen Liangwei.

   Xiao Jinghuai brought people secretly, definitely not here to play.

   She didn't ask where Shen Liangwei got the news, she just sighed: "I really didn't expect that Xiu'er would be."

  Shen Liangwei is very calm, and she said that there are still many things you didn't expect, such as that disgusting thing, I hope you never know.

  Shen Liangwei said softly: "Mother, you have a clear conscience, she failed you. She chose the path herself, no matter what the outcome is, she will take care of it herself. From now on, mother will treat her as a stranger."

   Madam Shen nodded and sighed softly.

   Shen Liangwei's eyes were slightly cold, Rong Xiu'er left with a lot of money, and she has medical skills. If she really lost her way, she should leave the capital early, where can't she find a safe place to live?

   But she didn't, which means she hasn't given up.

  Autumn hunting was very lively and the atmosphere was warm. Everyone showed off their eighteen martial arts in front of Emperor Tianyao, in order to stand out and let the emperor see themselves in the eyes of the emperor.

   If you can get the emperor's praise and praise, it will be a supreme honor.

  Maybe it can even go up in the sky.

   Among them, Xiao Jinghuai and Xiao Jingye were the two brothers who fought the most fiercely. Both brothers could not wait to kick each other over, wishing they could lead the way and get a lot of praise.

  The courtiers and nobles, some secretly joined the camp, some were neutral, and some stayed away from the side to watch the fun.

   But everyone understands that, Your Royal Highnesses, this is to the point where everything is going to be fought over.

   Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

  Lu Xiuxun's riding and shooting are really exquisite, and he is the leader among the delicate young ladies, shooting a lot of prey such as pheasants and hares.

   And very politely gave Shen Liangwei and Xu Qingyun her trophies, and warmly invited them to taste.

   In Shen Liangwei's place, game is not to worry about. The rewards of Emperor Tianyao, which Xiao Jingyu secretly sent, are the freshest and most plump parts.

  If there are no such bad things, autumn hunting is indeed a very pleasant thing.

The next day, the ladies were chatting together again, and after a while, Chun Ying invited Shen Liangwei to speak, and handed her a note: "Just now, there was a little palace maid who gave it to the slave, and asked the slave to give it to her. Don't delay things in your hands, slave."

  Chun Ying hesitated, not sure if she should give it to her young lady, but obviously, she would not dare, as a maid, to hide this note without permission.

   Shen Liangwei's eyelids twitched slightly, and her heart came, most likely it was Rong Xiu'er or Xiao Jinghuai.

   "Give it to me," she took the note with a smile and began to browse.

   Sure enough, Rong Xiuer's tone——

   (end of this chapter)

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