Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 590: Xiao Jinghuai is Men'erqing

   Chapter 590 Xiao Jinghuai is Men'erqing

In the end, he comforted Mrs. Shen and the imperial doctor: "You are doing your best, and this is not your fault. In the end, Jingyu is also trying to save people, he is a good boy! With such behavior, I am also very pleased for him. He is precious as a prince, and prosperity and wealth are always indispensable in the second half of his life. I will definitely not lose him a lot, that's it—that's fine. The two of you should comfort him more, persuade him more, and don't make him feel too uncomfortable. "

   Mrs. Shen and the imperial physician hurriedly agreed. Seeing that he was not to blame, they were also secretly relieved.

   Xiao Jinghuai quickly realized that it was Shen Liangwei who was shocked, and was speechless for a while.

Others don't know why Shen Liangwei left the hunting party of the female relatives. thing.

  Xiao Jinghuai is Men'erqing.

   After all, it was he who asked Rong Xiuer to make an appointment with Shen Liangwei.

   Shen Liangwei was startled, maybe Rong Xiuer did it.

   However, Shen Liangwei didn't die and she didn't die! Xiao Jinghuai didn't know what to say.

  Rong Xiu'er didn't die either. That woman was also stupid. She didn't know that she had sent someone to kill her, and she contacted her on her own initiative.

   All in all, Xiao Jinghuai's mood is really complicated.

  Since Rong Xiu'er was not dead, he didn't worry about her being outside. Thinking that it might be useful someday, he sent someone to quietly send her back to the house first.

  For Shen Liangwei, it was obvious that for the time being, he would not have the chance to start again, and he would not dare to move around for the time being.

Rong Xiu'er told him that the subordinate was killed in the hunting ground because of his actions with others. She hid in the grass not far away and did not dare to let out the air, so she escaped the disaster. He was even more confused and had to send someone quietly dealt with in the past.

  Otherwise, once someone finds out, it may cause some trouble.

   If others don't say it, Xiao Jingye's stupid thing will definitely use the topic to play.

   Xiao Jinghuai feels that he is really unlucky, why don't he do anything and everything is not going well

   The Shen family lives in a small courtyard.

   Shen Liangwei was lying on the head of the bed, being scolded by Mrs. Shen.

   Mr. Shen and Shen Hongxun have already come to see her, and are going out now, let her mother and two stay for a while.

  Shen Liangwei laughed along, hugging Da Furen Shen's arm and begging for mercy, and the words of flattery went on and on.

   In fact, she was also very wronged, because she really didn't know what Xiao Jingyu wanted to do or how to do it beforehand, he just asked her to cooperate with him.

   is really just cooperation.

  He rescued her from the fright, and let his henchmen take her to the bottom of the cliff.

   The person on the horse was no longer her, but the one he found.

   Anyway, from a distance, everyone can only see the red-colored clothes, and it is impossible to see who it is.

   It wasn't her who fell off the cliff.

   But what everyone found at the bottom of the cliff was her and Xiao Jingyu.

Mrs. Shen had enough numbers, and she believed that her daughter would never lie to herself, she sighed helplessly: "You guys are too nonsense! The lord told me that he wanted me to tell him that his legs were probably not good, and I all—I He almost didn't react, what is he trying to do?"

  Shen Liangwei was silent for a moment, then said: "Mother should know better than me, the emperor is very suspicious, the prince may want to take this opportunity to stay away from the court."

   (end of this chapter)

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