Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 604: much stronger than where you are now

   Chapter 604 is much stronger than his current situation

  Imagine that a crippled prince is not so attractive. How many girls are willing to marry a man with a broken leg?

   Even the prince may not have a future.

   Isn't this just the chance for your daughter?

   At times like this, your daughter takes the initiative to come to the door to express her concern and concern. This means she will never give up. How could His Highness the King of War be moved?

   Even if His Royal Highness War King is abolished and has no future, but he is still a prince, with his status and status there, it will have countless benefits.

   At least, much stronger than where he is now.

   The more he thought about it, the more excited Mr. Shen San became, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was a really good idea!

  So, Master Shen San comforted Shen Liangyue a few words, made some preparations, and actually went to Zhan Wangfu to ask for a meeting.

  Xiao Jingyu is secretly deploying to compete with Emperor Tianyao, planning how to successfully settle the marriage with Shen Liangwei without causing Emperor Tianyao's fear and disgust, how can he be patient with the third master of the Shen family?

   Without even thinking about it, he ordered the housekeeper to drive him away.

   Mr. Shen San is in a hurry, he finally mustered up the courage to come this time! Wouldn't it be a pity if we just left without any answers? Next time he won't have the courage to do it again.

  But Xiao Jingyu can't see him, he has no way at all.

  In a hurry, he simply told the housekeeper the purpose of his coming, and finally added fuel to it, expressing how much Shen Liangyue admires and worships His Royal Highness Zhan Wang, and is absolutely sincere to His Highness Zhan King.

By the way, he also praised his daughter's love and righteousness, both openly and secretly: Look, His Royal Highness Zhan Wang is like this, and everyone else can't wait to stay away from His Highness, but my daughter is not, my daughter still thinks wholeheartedly. Your Highness

  The housekeeper never expected that Mr. Shen San came for this, he hesitated for a moment, and had to report back to Xiao Jingyu again.

  Xiao Jingyu is out of breath, is this okay? If this matter is introduced into Wei Er's ears, if this matter spreads out, there will be a storm again.

   With a dark face, he ordered the housekeeper to call Mr. Shen San in.

   Mr. Shen San even thought that his words touched His Royal Highness King Zhan, and he was secretly happy, and the whole person almost floated up.

  I don't want to, what greeted him was Xiao Jingyu's stern beating and warning with a stern face.

   Xiao Jingyu said very rudely, let him die! No matter what he is, his daughter is nothing in his eyes, and it is not worthy to be a servant girl in the manor! He'd better get the **** out of here!

  Also, give him some sobriety, don't talk nonsense outside and involve yourself with him and talk nonsense, otherwise, don't blame him for being rude.

   Mr. Shen came in high spirits, but a bowl of cold water poured down his head and poured a chill through his heart. He was so frightened that he was so scared that he couldn't even utter a word, so he hurriedly went back.

  Shen Liangyue is already ready at home to marry King Zhan as a side concubine - maybe His Royal Highness Zhan King is moved and has the dream of being a concubine.

"You remember it for me, don't mention it again! You are a girl, don't be ashamed to mention this kind of thing all day long, give me a break! Your Royal Highness, it's not that we can afford it. of."

   Shen Liangyue did not give up, and asked again and again.

   (end of this chapter)

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