Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 612: Don't take her seriously

   Chapter 612 Don't take her seriously

  You are thinking about His Royal Highness War King, what does it have to do with the big room of the Shen family?

   This is not only unreasonable, but also seems to have bad intentions? It was clear that he wanted to force Da Furen Shen.

Shen Liangyue was ashamed and angry, covering her face and said, "Second cousin clearly knows that I am pleased with His Royal Highness, why did she lie to me? Why did she scramble with me for His Royal Highness! Yes, why did you ask the Emperor for her? Marriage? Why do you do this to me!"

"Shen Liangyue!" Madam Shen was furious and scolded in a deep voice, "Keep your mouth shut! Wei Er can only marry His Royal Highness the King of War, there is no discussion on this matter. It's you, what you like or dislike has nothing to do with us. , it has nothing to do with Wei Er! What do you like, others will do their best for you? Do you have to give everything to fulfill you? Oh, yes, didn't your father always ask your uncle like this? Now you There will be something to learn!"

   "You now, leave me! We don't care who you like, what you do, we don't care, but only one thing, don't come to our door to make trouble. We don't owe you anything!"

Shen Liangyue shook his head and cried, "No, it's not like that. It's obviously that I liked His Royal Highness Zhan Wang first, obviously I liked him first, why, why did you treat me like this, why did you fight me? My father is incompetent, and my father is no match for the uncle, so I deserve to be unlucky."

   Mrs. Shen was so angry, how could this cause such trouble? The big room has really suffered from bad luck for eight lifetimes and owes it to them!

I saw the old woman come out of the mansion, and she helped Da Furen Shen and smiled and said: "Madam, forget it, this little girl's family is arrogant and ignorant, and it's inevitable. It's just a kid's family. , Although what she said is ridiculous and irritating, don't take her seriously!"

The old woman smiled at Shen Liangyue again: "Miss San, don't cry, this old slave will prepare a car and call someone to take you back. Don't be so outspoken when you say such childish words, and everyone else will laugh at them. Miss San How can you say kisses in the future? I am afraid that there are many people who like His Royal Highness. Is it possible that whoever likes His Highness will accept whom His Highness will accept?"

"Then I don't know how many women in the world want to enter the palace to be concubines and concubines and serve the emperor. According to what you said, the emperor has to take everyone into a whole person? What's the point! It's disrespectful! It's Xiao Xiang!"

"The emperor has given marriage to the second young lady and His Royal Highness Zhan Wang. This is the grace of the emperor, and it is also the fate of the second young lady and Zhan Wang. It can only be said that no matter how good His Royal Highness is, the girls next to him admire him, and they will also be with him. It's just no luck! What else can you do other than make people laugh by making a fuss like this?"

  Shen Liangyue was angry, hated, ashamed, and jealous. She gave Shen Da Furen a resentful look, and without waiting for the Shen residence to prepare the car, she covered her face and turned her head away.

   Mrs. Shen sighed, shook her head and sighed: "Why does this child have such a strange temperament, the third younger siblings probably don't even know that she made such a scene, and I don't know if she was instigated by someone!"

The old lady also sighed: "Since the madam is worried about the third lady, go back and tell the third lady, and let her take care of the teaching carefully."

   Mrs. Shen sighed and nodded: "You're right."

  The old lady helped her into the palace.

  The housekeeper rushed to shout at the crowd, please don't gather around the door of the Shen residence, everyone dispersed.

   (end of this chapter)

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