Chapter 661 Wedding

   "Miss," Chun Ying supported Shen Liangwei and whispered with lingering fears: "Miss San is really scary, how could she, how could she become like this."

  Shen Liangwei shook her head slightly, which was also a little strange.

  Shen Liangyue's stubborn energy is really scary.

  Fortunately, the second and third rooms are already in a state of desperation, and they can't make waves. What if Shen Liangyue is crazy? It is difficult for her to get close to herself.

  The wedding ended perfectly.

   Xu Qingyun used to come to Shen's house to play with Shen Liangwei, and she was naturally very familiar with Mrs. Shen.

But being a guest and best friend is different from being a daughter-in-law or a sister-in-law. Before she got married, her mother repeatedly told her to tell her, and warned her that she must be careful at the beginning and find the right position, otherwise once she got married A bad start, and it will be difficult to change it later.

   Therefore, Xu Qingyun was still a little cautious when he entered the door, and was very cautious.

Shen Liangwei and Da Furen Shen really liked her. Shen Liangwei was thinking of her tragic experience in the last life. In this life, she was happy to see that she had a happy ending and that she would no longer be alone with her third brother, while Da Furen Shen was happy. It's because I finally look forward to my daughter-in-law, who is my daughter-in-law's best friend, of course I like it.

   Seeing her being so cautious, the mother and daughter comforted her and reassured her. Gradually, Xu Qingyun also felt relieved and let go of her cautious attitude. The family got along very well.

When the three dynasties returned home, Mrs. Xu was overjoyed when she saw her daughter and son-in-law in front of her, and Tong Changhou was still a little dissatisfied with the dowry when she heard Shen Hongxun calling out "father-in-law". He disappeared, and he was equally satisfied with this son-in-law.

  After all, there is light on the face!

   There are many noble and important families in the capital competing for the best son-in-law candidate, but in the end, they cheapened themselves without warning. Just thinking about it makes people feel excited.

   As for Concubine Tian, ​​she is still ill, not feeling well

   In the blink of an eye, it was New Year's Eve.

  Old Mrs. Shen originally planned to celebrate the New Year together with the three families. She said that the new daughter-in-law entered the door, and the crowd was more lively. She told Mr. Shen, Mrs. Shen, and the couple to firmly oppose it and mix it up.

   It was difficult to separate the family, who wants to celebrate the New Year with them? If something goes wrong, it's called a joke of the new daughter-in-law.

   Again, there are two things in everything. After the New Year, should we spend the Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival together next?

  Is it over yet?

   On New Year's Day, Xiao Jingyu took a sedan chair into the palace for a banquet, but Shen Liangwei did not go to the palace.

   He came to Shen's house at night, as usual, walked through the window in a non-serious manner, almost startling Shen Liangwei.

"Why, why are you here? Don't you need to keep the New Year's Eve in the palace?" The Shen family is also keeping the New Year's Eve. It's just past the hour, and they set off firecrackers, said New Year's greetings, and ate two dumplings symbolically and went back to their room to prepare. sleep.

  The procedure is similar in the palace, but because it is a royal family, the specific process is more complicated and the time is naturally longer. If Xiao Jingyu is staying in the palace, it is definitely not the time to leave the palace.

  Xiao Jingyu saw her bright eyes looking at him with a little smile, obviously surprised and happy, originally only a very happy mood instantly soared several times, he hugged her tightly with a low smile: "Happy New Year, Wei Er!"

   (end of this chapter)

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