Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 663: The emperor has a son

   Chapter 663 The Emperor Has a Younger Son

   On the first day of Shen Liangwei's first day, she had to go to the War Palace to visit Xiao Jingyu.

  Last night, she didn't look carefully, but today she saw that his legs and feet seemed to have improved a lot, and his walking was much smoother than before - he was walking much more smoothly in front of people.

   Shen Liangwei's eyes lit up and was very surprised, but she was a little worried, and hurriedly said: "You, your legs have recovered? Are you all right in the palace yesterday?"

   You have to know whether his legs are getting better or not. It’s hard to say what’s on the inside of the palace. Don’t be overjoyed in your heart, but once there are signs of improvement, it will be another story.

  Xiao Jingyu smiled, "Don't worry, this king knows what to do, and nothing will happen."

   said so, listening to her caring about herself, Lord Zhan was still very happy.

  Shen Liangwei believed in him, so he was relieved to hear him say that.

Yesterday was the New Year's Eve palace banquet. After all, it was a good day for the new year. My legs and feet were not completely healed, but they were only stronger. The Xiao Jinghuai brothers and their respective mothers must be very unhappy in their hearts, but his An uncle should not be.

   You have to know that in a few days, there will be a big happy event in the palace, and this big happy event is not known to others, but his uncle is aware of it, and that is why he chose this time to recover a bit.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, it is the time when everyone is busy socializing and entertaining, and when you come and go, every family is so busy, especially those who are grand and powerful, the family members are busy every day. It's like going to dinner and drinking in various houses, and there is no free time at all.

  On this day, a shocking news came out in the palace, and all the relevant and irrelevant people suddenly exploded!

  The emperor has a young son!

  The emperor's youngest son was born in the cold palace. His biological mother was a noble lady who was punished by the emperor and sent to the cold palace last year.

   Lady Li is just a small noble person. Although she looks a little beautiful, she is not conspicuous in the palace where she is fat and thin and beautiful like clouds. Although she has been favored by the emperor several times, she is also not conspicuous.

  Because the emperor did not show any special interest in her because of this.

Then, I heard that she accompanies the emperor to visit the imperial garden one time, but I don't know if she thinks she is favored and is arrogant, or if she is stupid, says wrong words and does wrong things - in short, she offends the emperor and makes The emperor Longyan was furious and demoted her to the cold palace on the spot.

   This incident was still rumored in the palace for a long time. From Empress Fu and Concubine Yugui, one counts as one, and no one does not laugh at her.

   The reason is very simple. The emperor has always been lenient, and the queen's concubine is in control of the six palaces. Therefore, although the concubines and concubines in the harem are jealous and fight between open and secret battles, they are generally harmonious and orderly, and they are not out of the ordinary.

  Since the emperor ascended the throne, this noble lady was the first to be banished to the cold palace.

   An unlucky place like the Cold Palace, naturally no one would go there.

   Wouldn’t it be bad if you got bad luck?

   Besides, no one had a feud with Lady Li who had to humiliate her or watch her lively.

   Soon, after this joke passed, no one mentioned Lady Li again.

   As if such a person had never appeared in the palace.

   But who knew that she was pregnant!

   I don't know what she was thinking, she even stabbed her son after giving birth

   (end of this chapter)

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