Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 667: Xiao Jinghuai is about to go crazy

   Chapter 667 Xiao Jinghuai is going crazy

   Now that she has seen through the mind of Emperor Tianyao, it is not bad that she is not angry.

   Queen Fu thought wildly in her mind for a while, and an idea that had been born many times in her heart and entangled her mind finally gradually took shape, which prompted her to make up her mind.

   That bitch, Zhao Fanghua, can't stay any longer.

   Originally did not want to kill her, but was also worried about causing suspicion, saying that Princess Yihe was just unlucky and her daughter "died from illness" was too coincidental, it must be artificial, and it is not good to say it.

   But now, the matter of Princess Yihe has passed by for so long, so it doesn't matter much.

   Zhao Fanghua's **** is doing stupid things again, it's really useless to keep her.

   It would be better to kill her quickly to free up Princess Yong's place.

  Jing Huai needs a real concubine and a powerful Yue family.

   Even if the emperor loves and spoils his old son, it doesn't matter, as long as Jinghuai is strong enough, even if he doesn't want to make Jinghuai the prince, is he okay with him?

   Queen Fu began to think about **** the Princess Qingrou, and who should the new Princess Yong choose

  The news that the emperor had an old son naturally also reached the Shen family. Shen Liangwei was very happy when she heard this.

   This is a good thing for Xiao Jingyu.

  Xiao Jinghuai and Xiao Jingye, who were originally disliked by him and always wanted to find fault with him, couldn't care less about his cousin now, right?

   You must know that their newly born little brother is very favored, and they all live in the Qianqing Palace. This is an honor that the sons of the middle palace have never had!

   One can imagine how much the emperor liked this child.

   The most important thing is that this child is very weak and does not threaten the emperor at all.

  The emperor can show him a fatherly love without any fear.

  If the emperor lives for another ten or twenty years, then it is really hard to say what the situation in the DPRK will be.

   But, in the last life, no such child was born.

   Shen Liangwei didn't care too much, because she was reborn, many things have changed, it is not surprising that the emperor has a little prince.

   Thinking about how Xiao Jinghuai was about to die of anger at this time, she felt quite happy.

   Xiao Jinghuai is really going to be mad.

   Jealousy is beyond words.

   County Master Qingrou was also angry and hated, and couldn't help complaining in front of Xiao Jinghuai.

  Xiao Jinghuai usually looks at her very unpleasantly, but now listening to her scolding the little **** in front of him, he feels a little more at ease, so he didn't chase her away and let her scold him there.

   Who knew that someone soon came to remind him from Empress Fu's palace, Xiao Jinghuai felt a little relieved after hearing this, and he was no longer so angry and aggrieved, he knew that his mother would definitely find a way.

   Besides, Xiao Jingye's mother and son might be even more anxious now, what is he anxious about? Just wait.

   A three-day-old little thing is not a threat at all

Hearing the last few words of the beating on the Princess Qingrou, Xiao Jinghuai didn't care how embarrassed the Princess Qingrou was at the moment, but instead said with a face in front of the people from Kunning Palace: "The mother's teaching, you can remember?"

  Thinking that Princess Qingrou was still scolding incessantly here just now, as expected, he has no manners and temperament at all, how mean and vicious the face is, how mean and vicious it really makes people disgusted!

   Qingrou County Master's face was blue and white.

   Especially being preached by Xiao Jinghuai face to face, he was so embarrassed that he wanted to burrow into the ground.

   (end of this chapter)

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