Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 670: dirty mind

   Chapter 670 Dirty mind

With a dirty mind, she even thought that Xu Qingyun had no good intentions. She pretended to befriend Shen Liangwei and ran to Shen's house on purpose when she had nothing to do. In fact, she was eyeing Shen Hongxun. Hongxun hooked up?

   Hooked up so Shen Hongxun decided to marry her

   And what about Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen? Naturally, she was dissatisfied with this daughter-in-law, but she couldn't beat her son, so she had to agree.

  After allowing Xu Qingyun to enter the door, due to the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Shen had to protect her, and she had to take her to attend this kind of occasion. She didn't really take her seriously in her heart.

   Not to mention Shen Liangwei, right?

   I thought it was a sincere best friend with me, but in the end, I just used myself to climb up my brother. No matter who was used, I would not feel very good!

   As a result, some smart people couldn't help but mock Xu Qingyun.

   Xu Qingyun comes from Tongchang Hou's mansion, and Tongchang Hou's mansion has a lot of jokes for people to see.

   Xu Qingyun was ashamed, angry and annoyed, but many things were simply indisputable.

   Mrs. Shen and Shen Liangwei were furious when they saw this. The mother and daughter sang and supported Xu Qingyun, and the faces of those who were provocative changed.

   For a while, everyone's eyes on Xu Qingyun changed a bit.

   So. Is the Shen family really accepting this daughter-in-law, who was born unworthy? Mother-in-law and sister-in-law really like her?

  Many people couldn't help but feel sour again, Xu Qingyun's luck is too good, right? Mrs. Shen even gave her all the central feed. It can be seen that she did not treat her intentionally to show it to outsiders, but to treat her sincerely.

  Xu Qingyun was even more moved, no wonder others would be envious and jealous, this marriage really hit her luck.

   For a while, no one dared to find fault again, the normal joking and chatting, the atmosphere was much more relaxed and lively.

   After a while, Concubine Yugui came from afar, surrounded by concubines, two princesses, and a group of maids and eunuchs.

  Everyone hurriedly stood up to greet them and greeted them with a salute.

This flower viewing banquet was originally hosted by the Empress, but it was very unfortunate. When it was just entering March, there was a spring rain, and it was freezing cold in the last spring. The Empress accidentally contracted the cold for a while. But it wasn't all over yet, and he was still recuperating in Kunning Palace, so this flower viewing banquet had to be hosted by Concubine Yu Gui.

  The Empress has always been kind-hearted and dignified, and she very thoughtfully issued an decree early in the morning, ordering everyone to go to the imperial garden happily to participate in the flower viewing banquet, and there is no need to go to Kunning Palace.

   One is that it is not good if she gets sick; the other is that when everyone goes, she can't rest well.

  Everyone was grateful for the kindness and kindness of the Queen, so they didn't go there.

  The jade imperial concubine wore a gorgeous palace dress with a rose-red phoenix and a peony. On the peony bun, there was a phoenix hanging on a bead, a bead, and a jewel.

   Concubine Yu took her seat, glanced at it, and ordered everyone to get up and sit down with a smile on her face.

   Presiding over this kind of banquet on behalf of Queen Fu is not unfamiliar to her, so there is no timidity at all.

   More in a few days



   (end of this chapter)

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