Chapter 672 Backfires

   The left and right were just an accident and they pushed each other, and the result became like this

   Yu Guifei got a headache from the quarrel, and was even more annoyed.

But the people involved were not the maids and eunuchs in the palace, but the masters with status and status. Concubine Yugui also expected to win over the courtiers for her son King Qi. offend light?

   However, if you don’t ask clearly, then the one who falls into the water is a prince concubine of a prince’s mansion, and a concubine of His Royal Highness King Yong!

   These two origins are not trivial, and it is absolutely impossible without a clear explanation.

   If you don't talk about others, Queen Fu can't spare her in the first place.

   Yu Guifei had a splitting headache, and there was no person left or right.

   had to appease the frightened female relatives, and ordered the left and right to record the list of people present one by one, and then ask them in detail later.

   Anyway, things have become like this. The big deal is that she, who presides over the flower viewing banquet, apologizes to Queen Fu, otherwise what else can you do? Queen Fu was not convinced, just punished her, and if she couldn't find the real culprit, she would not blame anyone.

   She shouldn't do something that offends people for nothing.

   Concubine Yu couldn't help but feel annoyed. She thought that hosting the flower viewing banquet was a good thing with a long face and a show. Queen Fu was unable to host due to illness, so she had to explain it to her. She couldn't be more happy and proud.

   I'm even more motivated and determined to host well, and by the way, make good friends with a few more noble ladies.

  I don't want to, but this unfortunate thing happened

  The most important thing at the moment is that it is Princess Yong and the princess, if they wake up safely, that's fine.

   Although the water was freezing to the bone, but, they were rescued not long after they fell. It would be okay if they thought about it.

   Yu Guifei felt a little uneasy in her heart, but overall she was relatively stable.

   Besides, isn't Mrs. Shen also there? She is a genius doctor, such trivial matters are not worth mentioning to her at all, she will definitely be able to save their lives

  I don’t want to, it backfires.

  The prince concubine of the imperial palace was fine, although she was dying, her face was pale, and she was frightened.

  Princess Yong passed away.

  She was a little unwell at first, and today's banquet was here to support the face of Prince Yong's mansion. I was too frightened when I fell into the water, and my head fell first, and the mud choked my nose and mouth. Although I was rescued in time, it was too late.

  Everyone was shocked and chilled, and the cowardly fell to the ground screaming with a white face, full of panic.

   This is such a living person who was chatting and laughing with the big guys just now, but in a blink of an eye, it's gone, gone?

   Everyone was stunned, their heartbeats seemed to stop for a while, and there was an absurd sense of unreality that didn't exist in the world.

  How can, how can this happen.

   A good person, this is gone? Gone

Concubine Yu Gui's eyes darkened, her dizziness almost didn't pass out, she took a breather and glared at Madam Shen, gritted her teeth and said angrily: "Doctor Shen, you are a genius doctor, you can't even save the people who fell into the water? You? Don't deliberately refuse to help because Princess Yong and Second Miss Shen are not compatible!"

   "Prince Concubine," Madam Shen was furious and said coldly, "Be careful."

   (end of this chapter)

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