Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 676: Successor to the Queen

   Chapter 676 Candidates for Concubine Successor

   That's right, Zhao Fanghua caused herself countless troubles when she was alive, and made herself a laughing stock, and her reputation was ruined by her. Now she is unlucky and died unexpectedly, who is to blame?

   It can be seen that this is simply because God does not want to see her continue to do it!

   "The queen mother, then the candidate for the next princess."

   Queen Fu smiled, "What are your thoughts?"

   Xiao Jinghuai shook his head with a wry smile, "I've thought about it a bit, but I always feel that it's not quite right. I still have to trouble my mother and mother to worry about her son."

   Empress Fu likes to hear these words very much, and she doesn't think it is troublesome or worrying at all, she is very happy.

"This is the most important thing. Who cares if the mother doesn't think about you? Zhao Fanghua's **** is not a good thing in the first place. He has affected you for so long. Now you have to choose a good one, and you have to go through the door as soon as possible, otherwise, isn't it? Call that **** Xiao Jingye to compare!"

   Queen Fu said, she couldn't help but feel even more anxious.

   Xiao Jinghuai frowned slightly when he heard this, and became even more anxious.

   Now there is not only Xiao Jingye, but also a small one, both of which are terrible.

  The younger one has nothing to do for the time being, but Xiao Jingye definitely can't be compared.

   Not only must we marry a virtuous princess and return to the house as soon as possible, but also leave the eldest son as soon as possible.

  Empress Fu had already made up her mind, so she discussed it with him, and finally picked Xu Xin, the daughter of the Minister of Punishment.

  The Xu family is at its peak. This Miss Xu is different from the domineering and domineering Princess Qingrou. She is quite famous. In the eyes of Queen Fu, such a dish is worthy of being Princess Yong!

   Xiao Jinghuai had met Xu Xin, and after thinking about it, she did not object to Queen Fu.

   "It's just, where the royal father--" He was somewhat worried, worried that the royal father would be suspicious, and would think that he was deliberately trying to pick a high-ranking family to marry, form a party for personal gain, and expand his power.

"Haha!" Empress Fu sneered, raised her eyebrows in disdain, and said coldly: "What if he was suspicious? He just made a little son, and he was secretive, and Ben Gong didn't believe that he was not guilty at all. Don't worry, at this time let's not talk about anything, he will agree."

   He will take it as compensation.

"Besides, this time is different from the past, and we have to step up. The king's heart and strength must always be the same, right? Otherwise, what else do you have?" The old man's eyes are now full of his young son, who knows what he is thinking. what idea?

   If you dare not fight for anything, do you have to sit still? Could it be that the old man suddenly remembered to appoint him as the prince?


   For so many years, he has not been crowned prince, let alone now.

  Many things, you have to fight for yourself.

   Xiao Jinghuai's heart beat a little when he heard that, and he looked at Queen Fu in disbelief.

   Was what the mother said meant by him or what he thought?

Empress Fu's eyes were resolute and stern, and she looked at him without evading, and said coldly: "Huai'er, we have to prepare both hands, one bright and one dark, you have to pay attention from now on. Some things are not impossible to do. , as long as you do it smartly and do it in the dark, so what? It didn’t work before, because it wasn’t necessary before. When it’s not necessary, it’s best to be steady and steady, but now, it’s different!”

   "Do you understand what Ben Gong means?"

   Xiao Jinghuai heaved a sigh of relief and nodded: "Mother, my son understands."

   (end of this chapter)

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