Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 680: Sometimes it's time to ask for yourself

   Chapter 680 Sometimes it's time to beg yourself

   You must know that His Royal Highness King Yong is the direct son of the middle palace, and he will definitely inherit the line in the future. What if Xiao Jingyu doesn't lame his legs?

   He is a prince even if he stands up to the sky!

  In the future, there are times when you will beg yourself!

   Maybe, in the future, he will be a fortunate person, give birth to a child who is smart and will be favored, and be established as a prince?

  Shen Liangrong finally regained a bit of self-confidence—or rather, she firmly grasped a few life-saving straws and refused to let it go easily.

Looking at Shen Liangwei at the moment, he quickly said: "We are sisters, and the interests of our Shen family naturally come first. That **** Zhao Fanghua used to bully our sisters a lot, but now he deserves to die. That's why God doesn't like her! She's good now! It’s easy to make room, but I don’t want to blink, but ask the Xu family to pick the peaches, this calls me—how can I not hate it when I think about it?”

"Now that the imperial decree has been issued, then Xu Xin will definitely be married and enter the mansion next month," Shen Liangrong said, her silver teeth were almost crushed, and her face was a little distorted, showing how unwilling she was in her heart, she smiled coldly: "But Zhao Fanghua's bones are still not cold, she is busy consummating the house after passing the door at this time, something is wrong, right?"

  Shen Liangwei: "."

   Shen Liangwei was speechless.

   In Shen Liangrong's eyes, she is still a boudoir girl who has not yet left the cabinet, right? What she said was very smooth, and she came when she opened her mouth. What kind of consummate house was not consummated, did she really think it was appropriate to put this in front of her?

   It can be seen that she didn't really care about herself or think for herself at all in her heart, but she said it smoothly.

   Shen Liangwei's eyes flashed coldness and ridicule.

   She didn't bother to mention this, so she said, "Whether it's okay or not, it's up to the Queen. The Queen Mother said that the Queen of Qingrou County doesn't trust King Yong, so she asks for a dream, who can control this?"

Speaking of this Shen Liangrong, she hated it even more, as if a fire was burning in her heart, she sneered: "No matter what the empress does, do you have the face to say that Zhao Fanghua wants her son to marry Xu Xin? Second sister, please help me and put him The two of them are not suitable for consummation at this stage, so it will take a year, right? In this year, there are many things that can be done."

   If so, what if the new princess enters the door? If she doesn't marry the prince within a year after entering the door, then she, the princess, will have a bad reputation.

   If the name is not right, she can't host the Central Feed, and she can't be the housekeeper.

   This stewardship is still his own!

  The most important thing is that I can take advantage of this year's opportunity to win over the prince's heart, get pregnant with a child, and by the way, buy and win the servants in the house.

   After a year, she, the new princess, has become neither new nor old, and her spirit is no longer there. I am still afraid that she will make some waves?

   "Good sister," Shen Liangrong said eagerly: "This is the best way! You must help me, and I will repay you well in the future, it will be a long time in Japan!"

   She desperately hinted that His Royal Highness King Yong is the direct son of the middle palace. In the future, he will be canonized as a prince, and he will be enthroned as an emperor.

   Shen Liangwei sneered even more.

   Shen Liangrong could actually do this kind of thing herself, but she didn't dare.

  This bastard, for fear of being caught and found guilty, so he came to draw a pie in front of him, trying to coax himself into doing such a stupid thing.

  But——it's not too bad!

   (end of this chapter)

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