Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 687: If she doesn't try, how can she be willing

   Chapter 687 How can she be willing to give it a try

   She wanted to take a look at Shen Liangwei's full set of gowns and hairpins and golden crowns. If no one was there, she could still wear them secretly, which would be fun.

   She suddenly felt that the dress would look better if she wore it on her body, right? You must know that she is much prettier than Shen Liangwei, and she is taller than her.

   Besides luck, what else can she compare with herself?

  The more Shen Liangyue thought about it, the more fiery her heart became, and the voice that encouraged her became stronger and stronger. Once this idea was born, it could never be extinguished.

  Go, it’s fine to have a try, what are you afraid of? Even if someone gets caught, it's not a big deal, is it?

   That set of clothes is so beautiful. She has a wedding ceremony once in her life, and her wedding ceremony in this life is destined to be inferior to Shen Liangwei's today. If she doesn't try it, how can she be willing.

  Shen Liangyue, driven by this increasingly strong idea, quickly put it into action.

   However, what she didn't expect was that when she was sneaking all the way to Shen Liangwei's yard, she also met a person who was also sneaking forward.

   is a young man, wearing a splendid splendid sapphire blue dress, but looking at the back, he can only see that he is slightly fat and medium, and he cannot tell who it is. Shen Liangyue thinks that he has never seen it before.

   However, just by looking at the back, this person gives people a very wretched and vulgar feeling, which makes people feel disgusted and disgusted for no reason, and it doesn't look like a good thing!

   However, seeing such a person in the Shen family's big house, Shen Liangyue felt very happy, and faintly gave birth to a bit of schadenfreude.

   She couldn't help but quietly followed, but found that this man was heading towards Lingxiao Courtyard just like her.

   Stunned, Shen Liangyue was about to be ecstatic.

   Could it be that this person is Shen Liangwei's crush? Yes, that must be it! Otherwise, what would he do in Lingxiaoyuan secretly?

  Shen Liangwei, this little bitch, is really shameless, Her Royal Highness is such a good person, she doesn't know how to be satisfied, she even cheats with His Highness behind her back!

   Her heart moved, if His Highness knew about this, he would definitely not want her again. Besides Shen Liangwei, doesn't the Shen family have her daughter who has not left the cabinet? If she wants to get married, she can.

  Shen Liangyue was excited for a while, her eyes lit up!

   Watching the man enter Lingxiao Courtyard, and secretly watching him sneak into Shen Liangwei's house, Shen Liangyue was excited, turned around and ran to the outside where the guests were entertained.

When    was about to arrive, Shen Liangyue took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "It's not good! It's not good! Something big happened!"

   At this moment, everyone was about to finish their meal, and they were all gathering there to chat. When they heard someone shouting such a voice, they were startled, and they all looked around to find out: Who is this? What's wrong?

   Mrs. Shen and Xu Qingyun's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were greeting the guests. Shen Liangwei accompanied Lu Xiuxun and other noble ladies, and they were shocked when they saw this.

  Xu Qingyun was slightly startled and complained in her heart, thinking that the second and third bedrooms of the Shen family should still be a moth?

  Today was the first time she held a banquet after she passed the door. Her mother-in-law and aunt trusted themselves and let them preside over this matter. The two of them didn't make things difficult or talkative during the whole process.

   In addition to being grateful, the only thing she worried about was whether someone from the second and third rooms of the Shen family would do anything wrong at the banquet today.

   (end of this chapter)

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